Good health and wellbeing doesn’t happen by itself. Sure, there are some people with genetics to die for who seem to be able to eat, drink and do anything they like.
But we all know a lack of self-care soon catches up. The reality is good health isn’t just about how you look – it’s about how you feel and most importantly, having awareness.
To be healthy these days, it seems you need a degree in psychology, science, nutrition and exercise. There is so much information, so much marketing and advertising, it can be difficult to ascertain what is hype and what is reality.
With so much overwhelm, the key is to keep it simple. Get back to basics. And above all do not believe everything you read, see or hear.
For example will a cream honestly eradicate wrinkles in seven days? Does a chocolate spread on white bread, really seem like a healthy sandwich for your children? Will eating meat make your baby an Einstein?
To be healthy and happy there are three main areas to address. The mind, the body and the skin. Every small but important decision you make can affect your health.
For example, it is a known fact that most women expose themselves to over 200 chemicals a day through their personal care products alone.
But regardless of how many fads, diets, ingredients or varied opinions, there are some self-care basics that most holistic health therapists, experts, coaches and scientists generally agree on in relation to self-care.
The list may seem pretty straightforward, even basic, yet many struggle to adhere to it.
- Choose whole, real and natural foods over refined processed ones
- SLOW eating is not a phenomena – eat seasonal, local, organic and whole food where you can
- Aim to eat a combination of fresh vegetables at each meal
- Reduce your sugar intake, including raw treats
- Look after your gut, fermented foods can be a wonder food for many
- Drink plenty of clean water each day
- Supplement wisely, know what you are taking and what you need it for.
- Move your body regularly and include exercise that raises your heart rate for at least twenty minutes; aim for three times a week.
- Include weight bearing and strength enhancing exercise – this could be yoga, the gym, even incidental exercise like maintaining your home with housework and gardening
- Rejuvenate your mental and physical health with good quality sleep
- Manage your stress levels, know when to ask for help
- Practise mindfulness, take a moment at least a few times a day with meditation, being present and aware
- Practise simple daily self-care rituals using essential oils, like a lavender bath, a lemon and pine inhalation, spritzing with frankincense or diffusing oils like neroli, chamomile, orange and geranium for a stress-free environment.
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