Shape Shifting – Altering Perspective by Davina Herbert

I have always found the concept of shape shifting to be fascinating.  According to shape shifting occurs when a being is able to change its shape into that of another person, creature, gender, species or other entity.  I know that there would be people out there who would consider this ability to be an abomination.  However, I am not one of them.  I’ve read books on the subject, including books that talk about shamanism and shape shifting. 

One day when I was meditating, in my mind’s eye, I could see my hands turned into wolf paws.  I felt disappointed that I did not have the abilities or skills to be able to shape shift on a physical level.  That was until I had an epiphany.  I was having lunch with a friend.   She commented on a recent change in my life and how that must be bringing me joy.  This took me aback. I had been grumbling to myself about this change for months.  From my perspective, all I had was additional stress.  I spent some time contemplating the situation.  I saw that there was potential joy and love that could flow if I embraced the change instead of pushed it away. Then the lightbulb moment.  I realised that I was able to shape shift here and now by simply altering my perspective.  If I looked at the situation differently, I could change my energetic and emotional shape.

I could also change my physical body by not holding onto what does not serve me; such as the stress and resentment   These feelings can get locked into the body and cause dis-ease.  In the days since my epiphany, I have been doing my best to remember to shape shift.  I don’t do it all the time.  Sometimes I fall back into my old, familiar patterns.  Then something always reminds me that I can do and be better.  So I ‘dust’ myself off and keep going.

In the Walking Tall Program, I teach people about shape shifting and tapping into their own intuition.  It’s about connecting back to you – letting go (shape shifting) what no longer serves you and opening up to what is fun for you.

Horses are such intuitive beings.  That’s why the horse energy is used in the Walking Tall Program.  Horses shine a mirror for us to see where we are at in life.  To get to a different place, you need to know where you are now and where you want to go. Without either of those directions, you won’t be able to reach your objectives.  There is an online Walking Tall workshop on the 5th of November.  If you would like to learn to stretch your wings and fly, contact me.  The horses and I look forward to connecting with you.

For more information, contact me on or via Facebook Messenger.

Davina Herbert

Davina is the pioneer of Pet Energy Therapy and she uses her communication skills and an holistic approach to help restore balance for all your family- including the animal family members.

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