The P.E.A.C.E Process-Step 3 – Awareness of Self Sabotage by Trish Rock

Awareness of Self Sabotage

Already in this series over the last 2 months, I have shared with you one of the practical exercises from Step 1 and Step 2 of the P.E.A.C.E Process that I use with my clients to truly transform their lives.

Each step involves many levels and layers, with practical tools to support the growth.

In this article I will show you one of the practical exercises I give my clients to help them become aware of the Self Sabotage in their lives when it comes to any transformation.

In Step 1, I showed you a beautiful dreaming exercise to help with clarity. It is one of the processes I use with clients to tune into new personas in Parallel Realities.

In Step 2, you learned that forgiveness is freedom and I shared one of the exercises that my clients do daily to help with this clearing.

Step 3 is all about the awareness of Self Sabotage in your life.

Self-Sabotage is one of the biggest ways we stop ourselves from BEing who we desire to be, and it keeps us small. The fear behind your self-sabotage is typically an old emotional response to an event that is not relevant now and yet, it keeps its hold on you.

One of the most obvious self-sabotaging patterns I have is something you may be able to relate to also! When I have something important to do, write, create, prepare, or work on, I often get side tracked with cleaning. Yes, that’s right. I go to sit at my computer to get this important work done and I will begin spring cleaning instead! Its in my awareness now and I can curb it, along with several other ways I procrastinate and invite self-sabotage in to my reality.

Now that you have stepped into your new persona, this self-sabotaging part of you will want to become louder. The fear, the ego, will want to be heard. It wants to keep you safe. It doesn’t want you to step into greater alignment because it would not have a job anymore.

Let me ask you this- How badly do you want this new aligned life?

Are you going to let the old fears interfere with your new reality?

Awareness is the key here in eliminating the old behaviours that kept you small and in struggle.

Ask yourself these questions:

What are the 3 biggest ways you self sabotage

What thoughts, feelings and actions do you NOW CHOOSE to put into place when they arise?

This simple self enquiry can be liberating. When working with clients, I have a deeper sense of what is going on through my intuitive gifts and messages from Spirit that come through, and we can usually define the patterns easily but give this a try yourself and see what comes up for you. Trust it.

Next month I show you one of the practical tools in Step 4 but if you are ready right now to ditch the sabotage and create new peace and alignment in your life, lets hop on a free call together: INNER PEACE AUDIT & COACHING


Trish xo

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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