SoulSpeak – It Starts With YOU! by Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there beautiful HBM readers! 

It’s important to continue the conversation of ‘when we choose to become Parents, we are choosing to absolutely love and guide the beautiful little souls who have chosen us. We are living the Parent-Child Contract.’ 

For us that means preparation and getting to know your own story – your True Self. The bigger picture of who you are, what you are here to do, where you come from, when you’ve had major experiences, and why you are here. 

Explore your story and you gain a stronger sense of self and understanding of your why. When you learn to SoulSpeak yourself, you then parent your little ones in the same way. 

As the saying goes “Heal the Parent, Heal the Child”. It’s not that we are broken – we are not! It is that we are consciously and experientially uncreating personal traumas to create an environment for our children to know that they are unconditionally loved, safe, and supported on all levels. 

I have witnessed how violently parents can speak to and behave with their children – and I have personally experienced that myself. We hear and see children shrinking away, shutting down, going into fear, depression and anxiety.

What can we do? 

Prevention is the real answer, the solution to this challenge that comes at immense cost. Add education to the recipe and top it off with effective and efficient solutions. 

This is a reminder that our role as parents begins when we CHOOSE to become parents. Preconception. 

What the mother experiences from there on is paramount. When she experiences any traumatic event, the baby’s brain is automatically being wired to accommodate that in ways that are breeding grounds for all kinds of illnesses, including Mental Health challenges later in life. 

And the more they experience the more they are prone to these challenges. This is not to be fearful. It is about awareness and choices. For a conscious future for our children and their children. 

These times of Transformation are a wonderful time to be present and play our part in up levelling our vibrational frequencies and that of the Earth and beyond. 

As a Foundation SleepTalk Coach, I recommend families start with The Goulding Process, www.gouldingprocess.comwhich is ‘The Proven Parent Solution, the 2-minute gift that creates changes that last a lifetime.’ 

Contact me on or text 0400 169 855 for any questions you may have – or schedule a complimentary 20 minute chat to explore the solutions you are seeking. 

It starts with YOU! It starts with ME! 

Donna Willett-Flockhart, The Peaceful Parenting Rockstar 

Recommended reading 

‘Nonviolent COMMUNICATION – A Language of Life’ by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD
‘Democratic Parenting: Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting’ by Blaise T. Ryan ‘The 5 Love Languages of Your Family’ by Gary Chapman
‘The Goulding Process – formerly SleepTalk’ by Joane Goulding. 

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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