Spiritual Nudges to Manifesting a Vision by Bonnie Baty

‘Wairua’ Is the Māori word for spirit. This story tells of the woman who inspired my journey to create the ‘Wairua Intuitive Guidance Cards’ based on symbolism and concepts from my culture. They are due for release in mid-November 2022.

I cannot remember the exact moment I met Nanny Kate, but it was during the early 2000s. Into her 70’s and I in my mid 20’s, we had developed a great friendship and I grew to develop a deep respect for her. She had some real character to her, cheeky, foul mouthed and straight up.

Anyway, Nanny Kate loved these stones I painted as gifts for people and also delivered self-development programs with. In time, I painted her a personal boxed set of 33 which she kept hidden away in her room because to her, they were like prized jewels that needed to go away for safe keeping.

Some time later a friend and I were tasked with preparing a presentation for one of our social work degree papers. I asked her if we could borrow the stones to use in the presentation and she said yes, take them. I wasn’t quite prepared for what took place though. We allowed each person in the audience to pick a stone and then relay their thoughts of what had risen for them. I never expected that they would bring people to tears, igniting memories and connections sitting in their depths.

My dilemma: I could not find the space in me to ask for the stones back and in that moment of overwhelm I gifted them on to each individual knowing that Nanny Kate would not mind and I could easily paint her another set.

Long story short, lots happened, I ended up in Australia and she ended up in another part of New Zealand with her family before passing on.

And so, in 2014, seven years after leaving my homeland of New Zealand, she started popping up in my dreams constantly. Always dropping in with the same message, telling me I needed to get my ‘A’ into ‘G’ and paint the ‘bloody’ stones. She was being her ruthless cheeky self as always and I had no choice but to listen.

Fast forward to 2022 and I am about to launch the ‘Wairua Intuitive Guidance Cards’ which were inspired by those stones so I could share their messages with the world. This old kuia (female elder) has got her way, laughing her head off she visits me with a big cheesy smile.

I did since paint a set of 44 stones which are sitting in New Zealand and will one day, join her at her final resting place. This following partial dedication to her inside the guidebook also reads:

My dear friend Nanny Kate Hikawai-Haggerty. You have always been the seed that has sown this vision, more so from beyond the veil. Herein lies the exchange. Thank you. I love you.

For more information on the cards and to follow Bonnie’s journey, please check out https://www.facebook.com/bonniebatycreatrix  

Bonnie Baty

Bonnie Baty is an author, creative artist, medicine woman, qualified medical intuitive and home-schooling Mum.

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