Spring- a time for growth by Jacq Koloski

As seasons transition and change, so do we. Winter has been a time for resting, healing, taking it slower and making time to go within and look at your life. I know I’ve done lots of this. As the weather starts to heat up, I can feel Spring approaching. I love Spring, it’s my favourite time of year. It brings with it hope, movement, fun, adventures, new possibilities and more. It’s a time for taking action on those goals and dreams you’ve been thinking about. What wants to be birthed? Is now the time with Spring approaching to start taking action? 

Some questions for you to ask around what it is you are desiring to create as your life. Before asking these questions, take a moment to get a journal and pen, sit somewhere quietly and place a hand on your heart and a hand on your belly. Breathe deeply and feel yourself sink deeper within. Take a few deep breathes and then start with one question and breathe into your heart space and wait and see what you receive. Write it down. Be in allowance of what shows up.

💜What is one dream or goal that you have been wanting but never allowed yourself to have it?

💜What fills your heart to bursting when you think of it? It could be anything, personal, business or something else? 

💜What support do you need right now? Allow yourself to receive support from another.

💜What do you need to let go off? 

💜What is that one thing that you have been holding onto that is keeping you from taking action on your dreams and goals? 

💜Is it time to give yourself permission to know that all you desire is possible?

Take small actionable steps each day towards achieving your dreams and goals. Focus on the here and now and be present with yourself and the world around you. As Spring gently approaches and lovingly touches us with its warmth, newness, possibilities and love, allow it to guide you to grow and know that this fresh abundant time of year is waiting for you. Waiting for you to say yes to all that you know is waiting for you. Trust yourself to know and take action as needed. You have all you need.

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at: connectingwithjacqueline@gmail.com

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: BOOK

Big hugs and love. 

Jacq 💜

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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