Stop rushing and take a moment by Jacq Koloski

Sitting here enjoying the morning peace and time for me. I hold my book Jacqs Musings in my hands and hold it to my heart. I focus within and ask: “What is needed right now?” Stop rushing and take a moment – this is the page I opened to for inspiration. Where have you been rushing through your days, weeks and months. It feels as though time has sped up and here we are ready to move into winter. Has time sped up or are you busy filling your life up with too much stuff? Do you stop and reflect and celebrate you and where you are at in life? Or are you too busy rushing through it? This is your reminder to make time for you and to stop. Stop rushing through life. Slow down the pace and take the time to reflect and celebrate who you are and what you have already achieved this year. It’s time to reassess what it is you need and want. Give yourself the gift of stopping, breathing and connecting to you.

For me personally I have had some massive changes this year and all have been such a gift to me. Navigating these has been interesting as I explore different ways to be, do and how I live my life. It is my time and I am learning more and more to stop rushing and take the moments I need to reassess and reflect. The more I open my heart the more beauty I see in my world. I have noticed that more and more people are showing up and being there for me. Allowing this in has been uncomfortable and when I allow myself to stop and take time I see where I have closed myself off. Slowing down and pausing to reflect has been a gift. Opening my heart to more.

Some questions for you to reflect upon:

Firstly, stop, take a deep breath in and release. Let it all go and stop a moment. Set yourself up and give yourself some space to look within and see where you are at.

  • What have you been putting off that you just need to get completed? Make time for it.
  • What have you achieved this year so far?
  • Where have you celebrated you and all that you have achieved? If you haven’t celebrated, start now. 
  • What have you filled your life up with? Look at each area and see how each part contributes or not to your life? What needs changing?
  • Where can you add more time for you? Time to play, time to rest, time to reflect.
  • What will you do to nurture your goals and dreams? What is it you really want?

Live your life and embrace it all. Take time and stop rushing through your days. Pay attention to what shows up and give yourself space to make any changes that are needed. Celebrate you and your life. 

Love and hugs for you xx

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: JACQ’S MUSINGS -BOOK

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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