The Art of Surrendering by Abbey Rose

Most people see a new year as a new beginning, but 2022 still has residue of 2021 needing to be released, and coming into these new potent energies of ascension, if you haven’t surrendered in 2021, 2022 will be the year where you will find yourself surrendering to everything that’s not supporting your growth. 

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘surrender to the process’, but I think people get confused between surrendering and giving up. Surrender is an ‘acceptance of’ – shifting the energy from ‘whatever will be, will be’, to ‘I accept the process of what is meant to be mine will find me’.

There’s a process to surrendering.

  1. Acceptance
  2. Trust
  3. Surrender

So, what should you do to move through those phases?


Before you can truly accept the situation you’re experiencing, you need to be grateful for what’s happening, acknowledging that you understand why this is happening to you.

You can journal your way through this, use affirmations or meditate to gain a better understanding of how this situation is going to guide you through your expansion. 


‘I trust the outcome is for my highest good’. Whether it’s easy or hard, accepting that this experience is for you, and then surrendering to it is a divine letting go. It’s like an intentional release.

The biggest part that people get stuck in throughout this process is getting caught up in the space of ‘why is this happening to me’, and sit in the victim of it. But when you go through the gratitude for it, the acceptance and trust of it, there’s no victim mentality because it’s happening for you. You’re in control. 


You understand that you’re not in control of the scenario, but you’re in control of the way you react to the scenario.

Whatever comes out of it you’re emotionally, spiritually and mentally ready for it because you have accepted the situation, and placed your trust in the knowledge that everything happening to you is for your highest good. This surrender has allowed you to guide your reality to accommodate the shifts needed for your ultimate growth.

The energy in 2022 is potent, and the people who have already surrendered are going to see the fruits of their efforts, and those who are still yet to surrender will be divinely guided through their ascension as they rise to their highest selves. 

Abbey Rose, Business & Financial Coach

Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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