The Calling by Alexis Moon

At times, you can feel empty, drained and lost. Nothing seems to make sense.

This state of being can last for a little while or feel like it drags on.

Perhaps a theme that keeps cropping up in life.

Then there are other times.

When you feel this spark, a knowing deep within.

It’s a feeling, a sense of something not quite tangible.

It comes forth from the void, a place we may perceive as empty but is where magic & brilliance live.

Waiting to be birthed into the light of your knowing.

There are stages and quite often these do not unfold in linear fashion.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason for where you find yourself. Or where you’ve been.

The mysteries of life seem shrouded and hidden from view.

Heeding the call, following the threads of weaves only partially seen or woven.

This is where magic filters through life and you can either surrender and allow life to lead you and welcome what can be.

Or shy away and keep trying to control the trajectory of where you think you are supposed to be heading.

Listening to your head filled with noise from others or tuning into your heart and body, hearing your truth.

You have many options. Don’t box yourself in.

Riding the waves, acknowledging that this too shall pass, even if it doesn’t feel like it, in this moment.



There is nothing else that needs you, in this moment.

When life can feel hectic and it certainly can feel chaotic and out of control at times, this is when we are asked to go back to basics.

They can be simple habits that you don’t even think about but notice when you aren’t doing them.

  • Breathing in gently and deeply and letting it go slowly.
  • Drinking fresh clean water whenever possible, keeping hydrated.
  • Allowing the sun to gaze upon your body and offer healing, nourishment and warmth.
  • Taking a moment to count your blessings and acknowledge the beauty within your life

I’m currently riding waves and weaving in and out of slightly differing stories.

At times my head rules and old programs jam themselves in, clamouring for attention and pushing their way in.

Then I remember my body and turn to listen to the wisdom of the messages it is sharing.

Sometimes those messages are a quiet whisper, gently asking for attention.

Other times more like a blunt club, hitting me over the head, forcing my attention.

I much prefer when I notice the gentler messages and take guided action.

Most of us probably would prefer this.

Some tips to tune in:

Take a moment, to breathe and listen

  • What is your body asking for? Can you hear the messages being given?
  • Where does your mind go? Does your body wish to follow or is there another direction to take?
  • What choices are being asked of you? Check in with your body and how it feels.

Connecting with our body, being here now.

Connect with Alexis and hear her latest live readings and interviews at her Facebook group:

Alexis Moon

Alexis Moon is an Intuitive, Healer, Speaker, Interviewer, Storyteller, aspiring Author and is married with 2 teenage sons.

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