The Courage to be Authentic by Sal Holden

The courage to be authentic is such an important virtue to embrace.

The cost is extraordinarily high without it.

People pleasing, saying yes when we really mean no, and essentially living other people’s visions and being what we think, they want and need us to be.

The cost?

We lose ourself entirely…..

It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it…..

You are a unique, powerful, vital and rare gem in this world.

Your individual soul essence is here to powerfully share itself with the world and especially those around you.

We each have unique gifts and talents,

Unique ideas and strengths,

Unique visions, dreams and things that we wish to create and bring into reality.

The universe gets to EXPAND because of you!

Humanity gets to evolve and become more because of you!

Don’t for a second, think that you are not a gigantically important part of this equation.

The more courage you have to be your truest and most authentic you, the more you give others permission and inspiration to do the same.

We need you!

The world needs you!

What’s one thing you could do today, that is a direct expression of your most authentic self?

Is it an expression of creativity?

Is it discerning what’s truly ok and right for you?

Is it getting super clear on what YOU actually truly desire and want? (Not what everyone else wants and needs you to be or do.)

Is it setting a healthy boundary?

Is it acknowledging and being super honest with how you really feel?

Is it saying no to something or someone that no longer resonates or feels in alignment for you?

Is it saying yes to your biggest goals and dreams, even though it scares (and excites) the heck out of you?

I’m so excited for you! The more we step into our most authentic self, the more joy, the more happiness, the more self-worth and self-belief you will develop and experience for yourself.

If you aren’t sure on how to find your most authentic self and rediscover who you truly are, then I’m super excited to share with you about my book, “A Joyful Life”.

It’s essentially a guidebook for life that I originally wrote for my two adult daughters.

It’s about guiding you back to your own answers and most authentic truth.

I share some of my own story in there, and what I’ve learnt about life along the way and how by changing my perception, beliefs and thinking, I radically changed my life for the better and stepped into greater and greater versions of my authentic self.

It also has some great journaling prompts and links for further resources and it’s most definitely filled with what I most desired to share with my girls about life, as a powerful resource they can return to, anytime they feel lost or unsure and I know it can do the same for you too.

If you’d love to get your very own copy today, you can get access to it today by clicking here:

Love and Blessings,

Sal x

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Sally Holden

Sal Holden is a best-selling author, kinesiologist and holistic life coach who empowers women to radically improve their well-being and energy on all levels and gives them the skills and strategies to create their most Joyful Life.

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