The Global call: A journey towards balance by Barbara Brewster

“When the wisdom of the Grandmothers’ is heard, the world will heal.” Native American Prophecy

I’ve just come from a weekend at Mt Tambourine, Queensland, with a “Grandmothers Speak” gathering. Oh, my! Their message is the basic answer for everything we are undergoing right now. Yin. Yin. Yin. The spirit grandmothers (who appeared to Sharon McErlane in California in 1996) share that we have been and are experiencing for far too long the consequences of an imbalance of yang energy. There is nothing wrong with yang energy. We all need it. But it must be in balance.

I attended my first Grandmothers Speak meeting last year, wondering if there’d be matrons serving tea. Not at all. These were deeply aware women, willing and able to make a difference. Oh, the power of it! I cried all afternoon as I realised that the spirit grandmothers’ message for the whole of humanity is exactly the message which I’ve been undergoing individually for the last 6 years. Recognising and experiencing the devastating results of my own insanity regarding how I’ve approached life–rushing, driving, pushing, impatience, thrusting, manipulating, controlling, calculating, ceaselessly building, reasoning, figuring, thinking ad nauseum—very yang.

Simultaneously with experiencing the exhaustion, emptiness and futility of this approach, to survive, I’ve been forced to choose to change. It’s looked like letting go of personal, social and career goals, allowing, retreating, resting, softening, yielding, breathing, nurturing myself–that’s the hard one–growing, patience, waiting. Essentially, it’s been a journey toward balance—and one that globally we all must make. To release the overreaching of yang structures and to simultaneously bring forth the–for many of us–unfamiliar yin energies that our body/mind/spirit/planet desperately need.

The rich and relevant message of the grandmothers’ is beautifully presented in Sharon MeErlane’s four books about her shamanic journeying to meet and be guided by the Great Council of Grandmothers. I doubt that anyone could read these messages without having page-upon-page flashes of recognition of the truth being presented. At this crucial time, no matter what approach any of us take towards assisting positive change, it WILL involve growing yin energy–restoring balance.

It was deeply moving, inspiring and life-changing for me to spend 3 days with these women at the gathering– including Sharon who came to Oz from California. Certain men are called to this message, so it’s not unusual to have men at monthly meetings or gatherings. If you want to know more:

Contact Barbara at re (1) upcoming events, (2) viewing or purchasing Barbara’s 3 acclaimed books, 3) inviting Barbara to present at your location, 4) checking into “Barbara Brewster Sower Of Seeds Facebook Page” here: to keep stimulating bringing forth your inherent truth and joy.

Barbara Brewster

Barbara is an author, adventurer, awareness addict, Patch Adams clown, “wounded healer,” “Joy Machine” entertainer & inspirational speaker, who LOVES supporting people to gain greater awareness, tools, skills and enthusiasm for exploring, embracing, and expressing the fullness of their TRUE selves in all areas of their lives.

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