From the moment you meet this beautiful woman, you can feel the love and nurturing energy emanating from her heart.
An intelligent, humble, and softly spoken woman, Lucy Becks is an expert in Reflexology, a women’s holistic wellness space holder and medical intuitive practitioner. She helps women in their 40’s and beyond to shift long-term pain, stress, and ailments naturally and energetically, including perimenopause and menopause problems, and assists in increasing joy and love in their lives.
Her life has been an interesting journey with many twists and turns along the way, with the same thread of her love of nature, all of which have brought her to this point now, living her dream life amongst nature and helping women live better and more soulful lives.
Growing up amidst the civil war (the war ended when she was six) in Zimbabwe, Lucy lived on a farm with her parents, brother and sister. School was quite a distance away, so she started boarding school at the age of 5 and remained there until the age of 16. She then married her husband at the age of 19 and 30 years later they are still happily together!
Lucy grew up with a love and deep-seated calling to work with plants, herbs, flowers, and vegetables. Marrying a farmer allowed this passion to grow even more. But the biggest desire she had was to have children and when she learned this was not going to happen easily, she was devastated. Lucy says, “I yearned to start a family from before the words, “I do”! I wanted to nurture and love at least 5 or 6 littlies into this world, but I soon realised that this scenario may never eventuate!”
The challenges with fertility were tough for Lucy and her husband because it became an all-consuming part of their lives for six long years.
“It was also a lonely path; we were often so overwhelmed and extremely frustrated that we wondered how we would continue with all the emotional and financial stress that comes with this journey.” It meant, for both Lucy and her husband, a lot of visits to doctors and specialists, invasive treatments, and numerous investigative surgeries. She was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis and went on to have a few laser surgeries to reduce it and enable the chance of pregnancy.
Her natural instincts and love of herbs and plants brought her back to holistic health and she began incorporating naturopathy and homeopathy into her routines. Then she discovered reflexology.
Lucy shared, “For some reason I was really intrigued about reflexology, the history and mystery behind it and the benefits from receiving treatments that can be life changing.” And her search led to connecting with someone two hours from the farm who was trained in this modality. She and her husband started having fortnightly sessions and after six months, she was thrilled to receive the news she was finally pregnant!
“Nine months later, on the 23 February 1999 our baby miracle boy entered this world on a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of an epic African thunderstorm, with a bolt of lightning and a clap of thunder he was earth side!” she said.
This is where Lucy’s love of reflexology began.
Amid political unrest in Zimbabwe, Lucy and her family migrated to Australia 18 years ago. It was very challenging to re-establish and transition in a foreign place, but they persevered through the stress, the years of being in survival mode, the grief, and the building of a new life.
While her husband worked away with his job, Lucy had a career in the corporate area as a financial administrator and office manager which she loved, but it eventually took its toll on her energy and well-being and after many attempts to leave, she finally said enough is enough. It had totally burnt her out. This was a low point in her life she said, “I was so exhausted, burnt out and creatively tapped. I was also scared because I didn’t know what would come next.”
Reflexology and natural therapies were in her mind and heart over this time, but the opportunity was not there to take any action. Now, she could move forward with her dreams and studied while working full-time.
Lucy was interested in many aspects of natural therapies but was drawn to study reflexology because of her amazing experiences with it. It took a little longer than usual to achieve her diploma due to the tragic illness and ultimate passing of her brother in the UK, who she went to be with at the time of his passing. She also returned multiple times to the UK, to support her mum through cancer until the time of her passing. Then the pandemic hit and fortunately Lucy was able to board one of the last flights from the UK back to Australia!
This also held up the required clinic hours for her diploma too. But she never gave up. Ultimately completing this training and seeking out other studies with people in the top of their fields to teach her more about holistic wellness and energetic practices.
Lucy is now living her dream of giving women in their 40s the key to greater well-being through holistic wellness, spiritual awakening, and heart opening ceremonies.
“My philosophy is about self-healing and igniting that within the women I help. You are responsible for yourself along with your healing. A journey I guide you on but allow the self-realisations to come through for you”.
Lucy has a very strong connection with nature and plants, walking daily through the Botanical Gardens to nurture and fuel her energy and body. She says that the nature often talks with her. “I remember one day I was walking past this tree and said, ‘Hello Douglas!’” she laughs, “Nature is my go-to, where I restore my reserves and I am feeling more aligned than ever”.
A high point recently for Lucy was when she realised her dream had come true as she stood in her home healing space, looking out over the acreage her home is built on, seeing the beautiful Ninderry mountain from her window and feeling the strong connection to the nature all around her. Pure bliss!
Lucy believes, “The feet are the energetic portal to your soul” and she connects through nature, spirit, and reflexology to open these portals for you.
Lulu Belle Therapies is Lucy’s main area of focus, working with women in midlife. She also holds a monthly group – Women’s Midlife Collective- held on the Sunshine Coast and is about to begin teaching Reiki Level 1.
Lucy shares her immense wisdom through a variety of modalities including: reflexology, Reiki, crystal healing, medical intuition, seated Indian head massage, Bach flower remedies and sacred cacao ceremonies.
Connect with Lucy and begin to feel and heal the rhythm of your life.
“There is a rhythm to everything. In nature it’s the seasons, sunrise, and sunsets. But nowhere are rhythms more powerful than within women.”
Connect with Lucy here:
Women’s Midlife Collective – Sunshine Coast –
An absolutely fabulous article capturing beautiful Lucy into words is no easy fete
Lucy certainly is an amazing lady and I am blessed to have many years of friendship with her and many more to come
A huge inspiration to all who are blessed enough to cross paths with this gorgeous soul
Oh Em, such a beautiful message from the most lovely and thoughtful woman. Our friendship has spanned across the seas and years, and I look forward to many more great conversations. Much love special soul sister. x
Lulu I had no idea…!
Well done you amazing precious person I have fondly loved since those surreal days visiting the family in Bindura in the 70s.
Congrats & enjoy the ride – for you I pray it will be beautiful 👏🙏❤️😀. Meryn
Thanks so much Meryn, that means alot, lots of fond family memories from bygone years. With love Lucy B.x
I’m so so proud of you darling. I’m also truly blessed to have had you in my life since we were both 6.
Growing up together, schooling together etc.
Your story is truly inspiring and I can’t wait to see you again.
Love you loads & huge well done xxxxxx
Beautiful to see these comments X
Thanks so much Mads. I love chatting all things spiritual with you, can’t wait to see you soon and reminiscence about our youth! Love you, lots of love Lucy B.x