The Nature of Reality by Gaylene Aitken

I’ve had a huge writers block with my monthly article which is unusual for me. I’m not one to let things slip by without connecting it to the big picture and the big picture for me is the growing awareness or awakening to the shifting nature of reality, that the perception of reality through my five senses is a system designed to restrict fifth dimensional access and locking me into programmed human limitation belief systems.

I’ve been struggling to put what is known in my heart into a structured form that could help others make sense of reality that has suddenly been turned on its head…but here goes…

Awareness that the universe is not what I have been led to believe as real has been slowly developing since the mid-nineties, training in innate awareness with my mentor Kahuna Abraham Kawai’i. He would often refer to reality as like looking through the lens of a camera, an inversion. What is perceived as big is small and what we consider small and unimportant is the power.

Recent global events have only confirmed this to be true on all levels. He would use the body to break through our programmed relationship with reality because the mind shapes our physical human experience and has many guardians, programmed belief systems and concepts. We believe and we are.

It’s a feedback loop. At infancy our movements and mind developed together, therefore our movements are a manifestation of our mind and our mind is in turn influenced by the limitations we put upon our body.

The Kahuna would use repetitive flowing movement sequences that have the potential to elevate vibrational frequencies into higher states. He would call it back door access to lasting change, a bypass of the conceptual mind guardians.

When we extend our range of motion and movement patterns beyond our self imposed limitations, we open a doorway into infinite awareness, our true nature.

But it’s not just what we do but how we do it that makes the change.

The first thing we need to put in place or throw out is intention for an outcome. Intention has its place, but not when we’re developing our innate awareness to transcend into higher frequencies. Intention won’t cut it because intention is subjective, limited by the minds’ belief of what is possible and available.

Awareness however is an open blank page that surpasses the program and takes us into limitless fields of possibility and a deeper understanding of our true nature, infinite awareness. Sensing into the body with the knowingness that we are a family unit, a group of parts that are connected through motion, allowing a singular movement to flow through the entire family without restriction changes our mind and connects us to our divine limitless nature. Through this understanding of family within self, we can navigate our way through the heavily promoted politically correct jargon designed to separate us from each other; gender, race, religion, health. We are all one family and it begins with our self.

This may not sound very spiritual to some, but our body is after all a vehicle for our spirit, our entire experience as a human is a collective experience that feeds back into the resources and knowingness of infinite awareness, our true nature.

We as a species have never been so vulnerable as we are presently, so it’s imperative for our survival that we remember who we are, how much power we have to change things around.

We are all pinpoints of collective divine consciousness having a very brief human experience and this knowingness will help develop trust in heart speak, innate awareness and courage as we wake up from the illusion we have called reality.

Gaylyn Aitken

Kahuna Mist began operations in 1996 as The Body Care Centre and changed it's name to Kahuna Mist in 2001. Owner and founder Gaylyn Aitken was trained by Kahu Abraham from 1997 until his passing in 2004 and continues with his work of evolutionary transformation through movement.

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