The NOW Parenting Paradigm – YES is the new NO! by Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there beautiful HBM readers!

I am excited to share the latest ‘parental as anything alchemy’ with you.

It’s time to question EVERYTHING! With unconditional love, zero judgement, and pure observational witnessing – in all areas of life, including our parenting style.  

The beliefs we have chosen to adopt and embrace. Are they real? Are they true? Do they honour who you are – who we are as the Humanity Collective?

What beliefs and practises are you continuing that do not reflect your core beliefs and values? How and where do you talk and walk your unique and awesome soul blueprint that you bring to this world? What fear founded ancestral and familial patterns, traditions, rituals, and loyalties are you continuing that do not honour your family, your choices, and your truth? 

Where I am, you are, and we are – right there, right here, is the perfect place to start questioning, diving deep into self-love and self-understanding. And right now, is the perfect time to commence or continue your shift into being all of the awesome, kind, loving, listening, and understanding parent that you are.

When we release that which is not serving us, then we choose all that we are in balance, flow, and harmony. When your choices, my choices, our choices, are not honouring, then they are harming. They are violence, and they are abuse. Of Self, of all that is, and of humanity.

And WHY would we consciously choose that option? We wouldn’t, right!

Our CHOICES as Parents! The choices we have outside of the traditional box of resources, loyalties, misdirected concepts of love, and ways of being! These choices are integral to humanity’s shift in the collective consciousness and collaboratively creating social and cultural change that honours the children and improves communities – globally.

Our choices are creating the NOW Parenting Paradigm of YES is the new NO!

And rightly so in the monumental shifts that we are experiencing in our NORMAL, our New 2021 normal!

In our choice to be empowered parents and to empower our children. In that monumental moment of this life, we now kindness parent – being kind on all levels – as the foundation of our Self choosing peace, pleasure, kindness, fun, truth, and flow. We parent in alignment.

Many children hear NO to many of their requests. NO to opportunities. NO to safe self-expression. 

NO in abundance.  

Prolonged and compounding exposure to NO can create the child’s experience as one of choosing to be mute, to shut down self, to submit to the NOiversity – the university of NO!

These times are also bringing NO via missing key markers that were previously expected norms. The school formal, sporting teams, try outs, physical connection, being seen, heard – having a voice, acknowledged, and loved.

Imagine the power of YES! And You Choose!

The NOW Parenting Paradigm is us, the Parents, carers, leaders, etc all saying YES! Replacing NO with YES and giving our children the opportunity to choose. Asking ‘What would you choose?” We are listening intently, being present, seeing the brilliance in our children, connecting deeply with them. We are learning peaceful communication methods to provide balance and flow for our children and for all of our relationships, including with our Self. When being this for our children we embody this for ourselves, and we teach strength through kindness.

In this year of 2021, a Universal 5 year of Radical Truth and Freedom, we have direct access to the magic of the mind to flip our thinking and embrace new ways of being. Neuroplasticity is the gold that we seek in our choice to change.

What are you doing now to become more of the wonderful parent you are and honour your children? What changes are you creating? How is your life looking and feeing as you put your plans into action, and when they come to fruition?

Would you like some support in that?    

As a Foundation SleepTalk Coach, I recommend all families start with The Goulding Process, founded by Joane Goulding. It’s known as ‘The Proven Parent Solution – the 2-minute gift with changes that last a lifetime.’ 

Contact me via email on or text on 0400 169 855 for any questions you may have or schedule a complimentary 20 minute chat here to explore the solutions you are seeking. 

Let’s choose YES now!

Donna Willett-Flockhart

The Peaceful Parenting Rockstar

0400 169 855

Recommended reading 

‘Nonviolent COMMUNICATION – A Language of Life’ by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD
‘Democratic Parenting: Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting’ by Blaise T. Ryan
‘The 5 Love Languages of Your Family’ by Gary Chapman
‘The Goulding Process – formerly SleepTalk’ by Joane Goulding.

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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