The P.E.A.C.E Process – Step 2 – Embrace Forgiveness & Acceptance by Trish Rock

Last month in Step 1 of the P.E.A.C.E Process – Aligning with Your Peace & Prosperity through Parallel Realities- I gave you one of the elements, an important dreaming ritual that my clients go through to really clarify who they desire to become.

Step 1 of the process ( , I show you how to access Parallel Realities where you are already living the desire in your life you have, now. The ritual of dreaming every aspect of that alignment allows you to fully become it, rather than chasing it and still being in lack of it.

If you can imagine it, then you KNOW it and it is my belief that you are living it as your soul somewhere across your timeline of infinite reality.

Stepping into this new persona becomes quite easy when you are clear on it and become it, and the other tools and practical exercises I teach really help to cement it in your now, as you.

When we make any shifts in our current reality, the old fears and inner voices can arise along with old emotions carried within us that are no longer in alignment but can take us back to the old.

Acceptance and Forgiveness are key factors in really moving forward with your new persona, and in fact, your overall alignment in life. Why carry that old emotional baggage for a moment longer!

Step 2 of the P.E.A.C.E Process is about forgiveness and acceptance and truly coming to a place where the now, is where you are at, and you are at peace with it.

In this month’s article I will share with you one of the exercises I teach my clients.

Forgiveness is KEY to moving forward to a new reality. When you are stuck in the past, in resentment, in judgement, in regret, in anger or in any memory or emotion that keeps you in negative energy, you cannot BE in the energy of the opposite.

Everything and everyone that shows up in your life movie is a blessing in some way and if you choose to look at it like this, there is absolute freedom waiting for you!

When working with clients on forgiveness, I see their whole bodies change, their eyes twinkle and the lightness I see is incredible! It’s a powerful exercise that you use daily to keep freeing yourself of any heaviness that arises.

Who or what do you need to let go of and forgive? (include yourself)

Forgiveness is freedom.

Make a start and list at least 10 people, yourself, or events.

Keep this list as an ongoing daily thing. I encourage my clients to have a dedicated book for it or use the back of their journal.

This is just a small part of Step 2 in the P.E.A.C.E Process but I hope it will serve you and help you forgive, let go and feel the freedom in that.

Next month I show you one of the practical tools in Step 3.


Trish xo

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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