The P.E.A.C.E. Process Step 4 – Connection & Meditation by Trish Rock

The relationship with your internal world and energy, and what you see on the outside, is always telling a story, your inner story. Therefore, the deep connective work you do with spirit, soul and heart are vital for that same loving, trusting, self-respecting and truthful exterior.

Over the past 3 months I have shown you simple practical exercises taken from The P.E.A.C.E Process – 5 Steps to Align with Peace & Prosperity.

Step 1- You discovered how to find Peace & Alignment in Parallel Realities

Step 2 – You learned how to truly Embrace Forgiveness and Acceptance

Step 3 – You were shown the importance of the Awareness of Self Sabotage

In Step 4, we look at how important connection, meditation and inner work is to hold the new alignments and persona you have become and are transforming.

When you become your new persona, your new aligned identity that you discovered in Step 1, the outside world may not reflect the new inner workings of this energy immediately, so it is important to connect with your heart space as often as possible.

Remember this: What you see right now in your reality is your past thoughts and manifestations, not what your new thoughts are creating right now.

Inner connection is an important element and if it has not become one of your new practices, will guide you into a beautifully orchestrated Divine energetic life flow. This will enhance who you already are along with the new elements you have brought in through this P.E.A.C.E process.

When I take clients through Step 4, we look at all the energy flowing in and around the body including the Chakra Systems, along with meditation practices. There is also connection practices to your intuitive gifts, insights, spirits/guides and your higher self- the true connection.

Here are some suggestions for how you can connect daily. Please choose at least 2 regular habits to go forward with as a daily practice that could change your life to one of more peace, alignment and clarity, and more if you feel drawn.

1. Meditation – 15-30 minutes at the beginning of the day will create more flow, ease, and grace for you along with deep connection and inner peace.

2. Mantra- a morning mantra is brilliant to start the day well! Try this: Place your hand on your heart while saying “Good Morning…(your name)…I Love You”

3. Juicing – Juicing for your breakfast daily will bring vitality and connection to your body, cells, and aliveness!

4. Essential Oils – these will help you with so many daily challenges and I suggest you use whatever you are drawn to. Trust yourself!

5. Crystals- find a crystal (or two 😉 ) that you are drawn to and keep it with you during the day. You can also meditate with crystals and have them in your environment where they will help with the energy change and connection you are seeking.

Next month I guide you through the final part of the P.E.A.C.E Process- Step 5- Energise the New!

If you are ready right now to create new peace, prosperity and alignment in your life, lets hop on a free call together: INNER PEACE AUDIT & COACHING

SPECIAL OFFER for Holistic Bliss Magazine readers:

When you book with me in November and December, let me know you are a Holistic Bliss Magazine reader and you will receive a GIFT from me of either a deck of my Life Alignment Oracle Cards (Valued at $25) or a 10 minute personalised meditation audio.

Trish xo

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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