The journey into creating my innovative body continues. Recently I activated my new hologram.  It is a wonderful feeling as everything is so pristine, so clean.  Most of the time when I am hologram building I am inside Mary’s Mountain in her Field of Dreams.  It is here that I can make anything happen.

Dr. Cris Henderson

Rose Alchemist

Over the past years I have had occasion to be hospitalised.  The stays have been challenging and yet productive.  On one occasion I was given steroids and my eyes and ears were so swollen I looked bizarre. 

Luckily I was able to escape to Mary’s Mountain.

Past lives emerged filled with torture and pain.  One was Auschwitz and I was back in the days of experimentation.  As I reviewed this lifetime the words ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’ echoed over and over in my mind bringing up my lack of trust of all things medical.

The experimentation affected my soul light – it was diminished and I had to work very hard to get it back. I did not move from standing unwaveringly with Mother Mary knowing whatever happened it was eventually going to be alright.  I asked for help to change the torture.  I asked why and she showed me how the old paradigm was leaving.

As a result of my adventuring some new rooms opened inside Mary’s Mountain.

First is the Golden Gallery of Grace and Gratitude.  It is here that I hang portraits of those for whom I have gratitude. 

In here is a portrait of my specialist. 

When I saw his portrait shining I knew that any tests would be in my favour – and they were.

There is a Corridor of Certainty which winds from the Gallery to Mary’s Music Room.  In Mary’s Music Room the music is activated by a simple thought message – there it is joy expressed through music – joy opening up my body to better experiences – joy integrating with my body, mind and spirit – joy changing my DNA.

Yes changing my DNA.  It is here that we can create a brand new universe.  Here we can begin our Dancing DNA.  Set to music no less.

My soul and my body cohabit.  Once we bring the soul into alignment then the exterior world changes and this is what happens on Mary’s Magical Mountain. It is what happened to me when I overcame the depth of sickness that had assailed me.

Mother Mary called me – she is calling you.

Enjoy the journey!

There is more information about Mary’s Mystery School on my website or directly from Words of wisdom connected with the Mystery School are in the section on the website marked ‘Recent Rose Additions.’  ‘Dancing DNA’ is also in this section and is waiting to take you on a remarkable rose journey.

Dr Cris Hendo

Dr. Cris Henderson is a Rose Alchemist and International Rose Energy Consultant.

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