Treasure! It fires up the imagination with images of gold, jewels and fantastic wealth.
It describes something precious, beyond value.
What if we had access to our very own treasure?
Not material treasure, but spiritual treasure that is within each of us.
As part of my daily spiritual practice, I contemplate each morning. It’s a more active form of meditation, where I allow my imagination to take me where I’m guided. I use an inspirational quote, or a ready-made spiritual exercise. I may ask for a better understanding of an issue I have, or just go with the flow.
I contemplated on what the treasure within means for me, and I received the seemingly simple answer “love”.
I went deeper to discover more. Our true nature is Soul: we are Soul with a physical body, eternal. We are created by Divine Spirit out of love, and so we are also love. Soul is all knowing, and although the mind is useful for survival in this lifetime, it can lead us off track. If we tune into our true inner wisdom, life runs smoother.
I was out shopping just before Christmas, and on returning to my car, I heard something being hit over and over in the bushes. I saw it was a crow desperately trying to get into a takeaway container with food inside. An inner nudge told me to help this Soul. I put the groceries in the car and slowly approached the bird. It backed away, then I opened the container and walked back to the car. Next thing, it flew over my head with its bounty in its beak! What a Christmas treat!
I contemplated on what this experience was teaching me. I had helped a fellow Soul and felt good about it. I tend to not ask for help in various situations, but stubbornly struggle on. If I ask for help, I’m giving another Soul the opportunity to be of service and feel good.
It took me a couple of weeks to uncover this deeper insight. It’s like peeling an onion, layer by layer.
It all comes back to love.
The many spiritual exercises of ECK are like maps that help me find the treasure within an experience, no matter how unexciting or ordinary it appears to be.
The simplest spiritual exercise I use is singing HU, pronounced “hue”.
By singing this ancient mantra for 10 to 20 minutes a day, I become more aware of the spiritual lessons that are gifted to me every day.
Singing HU connects me to the wisdom within, bringing insights to everyday situations.
Gold and jewels may be alluring, but the treasure within is more beautiful and valuable than anything that glitters and sparkles!
More ways to access the spiritual treasure within:
Visit and Explore Spiritual Exercises
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