How excess fat contributes to major health  issues… by Eleni Seitis

….and my experience with a natural approach  to fat loss!

Have you ever had your belly fat bulge over the hem of your pants or skirt? Can you literally count the rolls of fat on your abdomen (I count four on me)? Do your inner thighs rub together when you walk? Does the fat on your body jiggle uncontrollably when you run, jump, dance or laugh? Like me, you probably have more visceral and adipose fat than your body needs. Why do you need either of them at all? Does having more or less of them contribute to good health? 

Let’s have a look at visceral fat first and where it is in your body. Once thought to only cushion and insulate the body, adipose fat (overall body fat) produces hormones such as estrogen, leptin, resistin and cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (all factors leading to obesity or inflammation). Whereas visceral fat tissue (VAT), found attached to the intra-abdominal organs such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys and small and large intestines, has a more critical role in chronic health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, elevated blood pressure, inflammation and as a precursor to some cancers. Increased visceral fat (measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry – DXA, or CT/MRI imaging) is a bigger indicator for obesity than the Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference or waist-to-height ratio.

On the other hand, subcutaneous fat tissue (SAT), found just under the skin, and being the fat that jiggles when you move, does not generally contribute to increased disease risk like VAT does. However, an increase in body fat overall (both VAT and SAT) will put you at risk for obesity and subsequent health issues. Those with a BMI of >25 are considered overweight, whereas obesity is a BMI of >30. As we age, our fat distribution changes. Men generally will develop more VAT, whereas pre-menopausal women have more SAT, and post-menopausal women have more VAT. (325)

The distribution of fat in the body is determined by many factors such as sex, age, race, ethnicity, genotype, diet, physical activity, hormone levels and medication. Since the prevalence of health issues stemming from obesity is rapidly increasing in the world, much research is being undertaken to develop drugs and functional foods to prevent obesity.  However, less importance is given to natural solutions that prevent an increase of body fat. An old adage says, ‘prevention is better than a cure.’ Suppression of energy intake (by reducing your caloric intake) and increase of energy expenditure (by exercising) are obvious therapeutic approaches. Indeed, some natural products have been reported to decrease body fat in humans, while for others there is little clinical evidence to demonstrate their anti-obesity effect.  What are some of the ways that work for you?

One natural product that I have recently discovered that helps with reducing total body fat, and particularly VAT, is a Mature Hops Extract (MHE). Hops, the immature inflorescences of the female hop plant (Humulus lupulus L.), have been widely used to add flavour and bitterness to beer, and as herbs for relaxation. The iso-α-acids of the female hops plant (also called Matured

Hop Bitter Acids – MHBA) found within the MHE, have been shown to reduce VAT and prevent obesity by inducing thermogenesis (utilising energy via metabolism, like when we shiver) via sympathetic nerve activity. And this was without having to change any aspects of their lifestyle, eating, drinking (in moderation), exercising, sleeping or smoking. Many other benefits have been observed; however, they will be discussed in future articles. Studies showed that the benefits provided by ingestion of MHE without the need for any lifestyle change would increase over a longer period of time (than the 12 weeks of the clinical study).

If you’d like to learn more about the Mature Hops Extract, click on this link to read and watch about the science behind this product and what it can do for your body. There are some inspiring testimonials in there too. Your body deserves a healthier option to reducing fat and increasing better health. Good health to you, or as the Greeks say, Άντε να είσαι πάντα υγιής!

To find out more about the Mature Hops Extract, please go to:

Eleni Seitis

Eleni makes a wonderful difference to your body…a deliciously feel-good difference!

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