Previously when I thought about the phrase “walking through the valley of death”, I had assumed that it just related to my own end of life experience.  Lately I have been reflecting that this may be a bit too narrow of an interpretation.  There are a lot of animals in my life – both animals in my personal family and animal clients that I have seen as an Animal Communicator.  The joy that these beautiful beings bring to our lives is tempered with the sorrow and grief when they are sick and die.  I have had the privilege of being able to be with most of my animal family when they have passed.    So I was reflecting that I ‘walk through the valley of death’ every time I provide companionship to beloved family members as they transition from this life.  Whilst it is not my time to personally ‘walk through the valley’, I am able to love and support those who are, so that they don’t feel alone.  It is not easy and it is not something that everyone can do.  I have worked with some clients who absolutely love their animals but find it difficult to be with them when they are at the end of their life.  We all have our stories and past experiences that haunt us and fuel our current actions and choices.

The time of passing of our beloved animal fur children is an emotional time.  It can help to have someone there to help with the grieving process and to make the transition time a little easier.  I support both the human and the animal who is passing.  One of my clients was a couple who were separating and their dog.  The couple got me in for an animal communication session to help them whilst they waited to take their dog to the Vet for that final visit.  This is a difficult enough event at the best of times, but with their separation, it was even more traumatic for this couple.  They wanted to know that their dog was ok with everything (which he was) and they didn’t want to be alone with him and each other.  Their fur baby loved both of them and wanted to make it as easy for all of them to transition and move forward with their lives. 

To be healthy means to look at what you need to do to take care of your emotions as well as your physical body.  Times of transition are difficult.  You do not have to be alone.  I have walked through the valley of death many times to support others.  I am here to help support you and your beloved animal companions.  If you feel that this is something that could benefit you, or if you have recently lost a beloved animal companion and would like some help working through your grief, contact me to book a session.  I know from personal experience that grief comes in different shapes and sizes.  I can help you to help yourself as you navigate your grief journey. 

To book a session use the link below. 


Davina helps you to have better communication with your animal family. This helps you to have a more enriched and harmonious future together. To find out more go to:-


Davina Herbert

Davina is the pioneer of Pet Energy Therapy and she uses her communication skills and an holistic approach to help restore balance for all your family- including the animal family members.

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