It’s been a few busy months here with lock downs, developing our medicines and drinking tea! Yes, as herbalists we see a lot of herbs and we love making tea. It’s so good we just wanted to share it with you! So, today we celebrate our very first online tea shop. Yes, right here… with us.
We are sharing our practitioner grade raw herbs with you, high quality and therapeutically available herbs. They can be used for teas, infusions, decoctions, marinations and extractions. You can make your very own high grade herbal tea products at home!
We now have 50 organic, raw herbs for you to select from. You choose the herbs in 50 grams or 100 gram weights! Some of these herbs are rare and hard to find. We are opening our dispensary herbs to you!
These herbs are premium certified organic. These are the same herbs we use to make you extractions, elixirs and body products. You will love the depth of flavour, the richness of aroma and colours. These are the real deal! Please check them out on our web site now!
How to make the perfect herbal infusion:
1. Take your favourite tea pot and fill it with hot water.
2. Put the kettle on to boil water
3. When the kettle boils, empty the tea pot of hot water so that the pot is cosy warm. Now add 1 teaspoon of dried herbal tea for every 200ml of water you will add.
4. Pour the boiling water over the tea. Let is seep for ten minutes with a warm scarf wrapped around the pot!
5. Pour into cups and enjoy with your additions of any (or all) of the following:
mylks, think oat, soy, coconut, almond, moo cow!
Add a pinch of salt to the pot to bring out minerals and flavours!
What about some honey or maple syrup?
Add a dash of lemon or orange juice !
or add in your favourite herbal extraction
Enjoy your cuppa!
Want to win $100 of raw herbal teas? Simply purchase herbal teas from our website before the 10th of July and you automatically go in the draw to win $100 gift packet of herbal tea selection. It’s that easy to enter!
phone us +61 409 765033 between 9am and 4pm Tuesday to Friday.
email us (anytime)
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