What to know about Tonsils and the Throat Chakra by Reena Terreping

Since it is winter in most parts of the world, it’s time to talk about sore throats. What if it is not about blaming the weather?

Well, I was living in a tropical climate for 4 years 30-40 degrees Celsius, 86-104 F daily, almost all year round, and still wore a little scarf around my neck. Then, of course, there was the air conditioner to blame. Or is it?

A year ago, I wrote:

My tonsils are constantly giving me a stingy scratchy sensation and I have almost persistent sore throats despite my tonsils being removed 17 years ago. It was an operation with local anaesthetic; I was awake the entire time and in insane pain during the operation.

So I will explore the meaning, the energetics of tonsils below.

Tonsils are a speech centre and connected with: speaking up, expressing yourself, repressed, uncommunicated feelings, speech, conversations not had – this explains a lot. I was often told to be quiet, (made wrong) when I was a child. Now, when doing ‘Healy’ Resonance and Chakra Analysis, these come up as well and the analysis often encourages me to speak up.

Throat chakra is about self-expression to the world. No surprises here, but it’s been a long time and since I do not have tonsils anymore, where does this pain resonate from? What is there hurting then? The doctors didn’t give me any answers other than saying, ‘it is your imagination’.

“Mental obstacle – in the body, tonsils are located in the central of creativity. If it hurts, you have to give yourself permission to do whatever you like, without suffocating yourself, without blaming yourself and without being afraid of other’s judgement. Instead of being angry with yourself because of the wrong decision or unconsidered act, learn how to accept what you create. Only this way, you can open up your true personality.” (L. Viilma). All that makes sense more than expected; it still hurts though.

“The throat connects the head and the heart. On a metaphysical level, it is self-love and being you. Creating your life accordingly to your true needs, the realization of your unique personality, your real being, opening the channel to abundance. If you build your life accordingly to your point of view, it helps you to develop your creative abilities.” L.Viilmaa

I am fascinated; isn’t it interesting what your body is trying to tell you?

To be honest, I hadn’t actually dealt with this discomfort, but after starting writing, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore (voicing my reality) and I will commit to using Healy sometime soon and see where it is going to take me.

I once did a Healy thyroid program and the next morning my voice was different; it came out from a totally different place. If you have ever sung you know it happens when you practice or do your vocal warm up. Well, there was no practice, but in the morning the voice had opened up!? I am talking about the speaking voice here; I do not sing anymore; I used to in my childhood, as I went to a special musical class for 9 years.

What is that your body is trying to tell you? Have you ever listened?

If you are interested in analysis and frequency healing, I provide sessions. You can contact me via: walkwithme.website

Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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