How a Trademark infringement lead to a new business name and a great new connection…
You know the old saying, when you change the way look at something, the things you look at change. In this article I wanted to cover something that we often discover. It’s something that I came across which allowed me to undertake this process and come out the other side with many benefits.
Had I looked at the situation from a single point of view, I would not of had the outcome that I did. Throughout our lives there are situations that cause triggers to set off within us. For some we put that down to the way things are. But for those that want to explore and have a better understanding of how to go with the flow of life, we need to question this. When I say trigger. it’s similar to when you are told something that upsets you, or when someone points a finger at you and wants you to change something. We, especially sensitive souls, can easily take these kinds of situations personally and take offence to it.
So, to share my story I need to go back to the beginning.
When I made the commitment to do readings and mediumship demonstrations full-time, I needed to change my then business name. Back then my business name was related to the Louise Hay workshops that I did as well as the women’s circles. So I sat on it, I called in spirit to ask ‘what do I want to call my business name’?
Yes, I could have gone with Tonia Reeves and I’m sure down the track that will be embraced more. I did a bit of digging deep and soul-searching. I really wanted to step into this as authentically as I could. Being ‘comfortable in my boots’ as such. The boots are quite relevant because I always had my boots on when doing readings. I have so many pairs of cowboy boots, I’m constantly wearing them on the farm with the horses and I have special ones that I keep for doing readings.
So that’s when the idea of the Psychic Cowgirl came about. I was excited, thinking this is perfect I can wear the clothes that I normally wear and just be myself. Not to mention doing what I love, which is readings. When I had checked out the name, it was available here in Australia, which was great. At the time, I noticed that a lady had trademarked the name in the U.S and Canada but I figured if I stuck to Australia that was okay. So I trademarked it here.
That was around five years ago. Who knows where things can head, but as it turned out my clientele started to build in the U.S and Canada. A couple of weeks ago the lovely Shannon, who has the the trade mark in the U.S and Canada, contacted me and we had a conversation. Her concern was the confusion that decision created, especially now that I had clients from Canada and the U.S. She was really lovely, but she also wanted to protect her own property and trademark. We had a good chat, then I hung up and to be honest I was devastated. I had not anticipated having to change my name. I had spent a lot of money with the branding and trademarking as you do. This made me do a lot of soul-searching. I got off the phone in a bit of shock, then I went and sat with it. Yes for a few moments I thought yeah, I’m going to have to fight. This was the response that many people suggested to me. But deep down I knew that did not feel right. As I sat and worked through my thought process, I pulled myself out of my ego-mind that said, ‘it’s yours, fight for it’, and started looking at this from all sides.
I realised that when I registered the name here in Australia, I had been aware that it was also trademarked in the U.S and Canada. I had sent an email initially, but I don’t know what happened to that as Shannon hadn’t received it nor checked in on me using it. I was aware of this. I simply thought that Australia was going to be my sole audience. Who knew Spirit had different ideas on this one. When I sat on it I thought, I’m not that attached to the name. It made me dig deep on where I sat with my own moral compass.
I looked for words I resonated with and that represented my truth; the standout word was integrity. I then explored the word integrity and realised that meant acting with the greatest of intent to the benefit of all. This is an important word for me, and I utilise it in my work all the time. Being a medium, integrity is important. When I looked at it from the angle of being in integrity it was around honouring Shannon, The Psychic Cowgirl. I really liked her and the way that she handled the whole thing was an absolute credit to the lovely person she is.
Since then, I have changed my name to Australia’s Cowgirl Medium. Also, in digging deep on this and having my awareness, I realised my most favourite readings, those I was truly passionate about, were when I connected people to their loved ones in spirit. In every training I have done with various teachers, they always told me my strength is in my mediumship. So after sitting with this, I realised that when I came under the word/banner of ‘psychic’ it watered down my mediumship work.
I’m certainly not taking anything away from being a psychic, but when you come under the name psychic it takes the pressure off someone coming to you to connect to a specific spirit. The funny part is I always pick up on spirits around people that come to me regardless. Who would’ve thought that instead of submitting to my egocentric side and coming out of this experience devastated and shattered, I took this as a sign and embraced the word medium.
Funnily enough, since changing the name, I have been inundated with mainly mediumship readings. So how’s that for spirit giving me a definite thumbs up? The other bonus is, I got to meet an awesome cowgirl who lives in Canada that I’ve no doubt I will get to catch up with on my travels. We are now talking about doing a podcast together.
See how sometimes what we look at as initially negative, can change when we view it differently. Suddenly the gifts hidden within the situation come out.
I can honestly say it is the best thing I’ve done. Making this decision has brought me a lot of joy, and to me, this is another step in allowing the flow of life to be an easy ride. My hope is that this has inspired you, so that the next time a bump in the road comes along you take the time to look at it differently. You may just find the best gift that you can from it. I certainly did.
Tonia Reeves
Australia’s Cowgirl Medium
Phone: 0419131714
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