Why Are Australian Bush Flower Essences So Powerful? By Sandra Meagher for Zen Chi

Australia has the oldest and most diverse system of flora, with over 21, 000 species of plant life.  This biodiversity is thought to be due to the continent being separated from other land masses for millions of years causing the formation of unique plant and animal life.  There is no doubt that Australians live in a land of tremendous beauty that vibrates an ancient and wise energy.

The First Nations people knew how to work with this energy.  And for thousands of years have been using plants and flowers for medicine.  New arrivals to this land have had to learn the power and subtle nuances that the plant life contained. 

The more recent Australian Bush Flower system of healing was developed by Ian White, a fifth generation Australia Herbalist.  Continuing his family’s tradition of healing with plants, Ian has been researching Australian Botanicals for over 30 years.  His work captures the spiritual essence of the land and supports the powerful healing in Australian Flowers.

Working on the subtle energetic field of the body, Flower Essences supports the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self.  By shifting negative emotions, thoughts and belief systems, Flower Essences bring harmony and balance to the physical body. 

As the body absorbs the vibrational energy contained in the Flower Essence, the body can heal itself by overcoming trauma, rebalancing hormones, resetting the nervous system and boosting immunity.  Flower essences can be used on pets, children and during pregnancy. 

By sending gentle and subtle messages through the body, Flower Essences provide a natural complement to other therapies or as a stand-alone healing system.  Not only do Flower Essences support our inner communication channels, using flower essences regularly can help a deeper spiritual connection to the land from which the flowers were harvested.  Whether you are born in Australia, walk along its beautiful land or wish to make a connection from overseas, taking Bush Flower Essences can help you connect to her energy.  Plus you will get to experience the powerful healing properties of each individual flower contained in a blend. 

If you have a specific condition you wish to address, our Flower Essence therapist can recommend a remedy or blend suited for you.  For an individually blended remedy you can book a consultation with our Flower Essence therapist or call into our centre to pick up an ‘off-the-shelf’ remedy.  www.zen-chi.net.au

Debbie Webber

Debbie Webber is the pioneer of award winning wellness centre, Zen Chi Therapies and each month one of her team members will write about the modality they specialise in at Zen Chi.

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