You Are Evolution by Trish Rock

You ARE Evolution – 3 Ways To Evolve by Choice not Chance

Our human lifetime goes by in the blink of an eye. 

The big question is always there for us to ponder as a human at this time: Why am I here? Who am I, really?

You try to make a difference and live your best life possible, whether that be a global difference or simply showing up with kindness and compassion daily.

But what is your presence here amongst all the other lives, animals, nature and the trillions of other planets and stars all for?

You are life/nature evolving itself for its greater purpose.

In my work with clients, and in general with the writings that I create in blogs, articles and on socials, I talk a lot about the old out dated perceptions we have here in this 3 dimensional planet, of our self and who we truly are. 

We have been taught that the external is what controls us and also where our power is and that we are ‘powerless’ to change it.

The truth is – YOU are in charge of YOU and it begins within.

You are alive in an exciting time of changing perceptions and the vibrational shift to a higher 5th dimensional view, beginning to understand that the way your life unravels and evolves IS actually your choice, no matter what the external factors.

It has taken millions of years for you to show up here as you are now. The evolutionary process never stops, and the futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, says that nature, our Earth, and life evolves not to protect you but to realise its greater purpose. This makes you an important part of the process and purpose.

From this perspective, I invite you to look at your life as a part of the evolving consciousness too and in this capacity, you are also helping the universal evolution of the entire human race on this planet along with every other part of this Universe.

Co creating with all, is a conscious way to evolve so how can you shift to this new perspective and energy with ease and empowerment?

3 Ways to Evolve by Choice

  1. Be aware of your choices. They not only affect you but all of humanity, the planet and the Universe.

You may feel that you are simply a small part, a tiny grain of sand in the big beach of life and that your choices are irrelevant but they DO matter, not only to you, your energy and your evolution but that of all. Living by chance puts your evolution in the power of the external. Evolving your life by choice brings the power back to you and you can consciously make decisions of growth based on a deep love for yourself and all life.

  1. Be more driven by your hearts desires than by survival mode.

When you are passionate about your life you radiate high vibrating energy, joy and love. This puts you in an energy of co creation with nature and the evolution of a more universal human. Leading the way in your own life by living your purpose and passion also allows you to become the best version of yourself, along with giving others around you the permission to do the same.

  1. Co Create deliberately with nature, Spirit and Universe.

When you can understand the perspective that you are always co creating, it becomes more obvious that when you do it by choice not chance you have a far greater opportunity to deliberately create something extraordinary, and in alignment with the world you want to see and experience.

Co creating can be as simple as accepting you have what is called Genius Consciousness within, asking more questions about your way forward and saying yes to the answers that emerge. This brings you to instant collaboration with Universe and your own empowered evolution.

So, let me ask you a question.

What do you want to see evolve on this planet? With humanity? With nature and Earth? Universally? Within you and your own life?

You can make a real difference to the evolution of everything by making it a conscious choice and being the leader of your own evolution, not simply by chance.

Trish Rock | Spiritual Guide & Mentor| Psychic/Clairvoyant

Trish is a Spiritual Mentor and Guide and helps people find freedom, purpose and flow again so they can enjoy more success, better relationships and greater passion every day with ease and grace.

Using Spiritual Connection, Intuitive Messages, Tarot, Oracle, Chakra Energy and Numerology Trish helps you find solutions to your current issues in life right now

~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~
~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~
~~ Producer & Host of TrishRockTV

Ph: 0403 489 013
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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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