Hello and how are you today?

Its winter here and still sunny and gorgeous during the days. Our winters on The Sunshine Coast are a bit like summer in Southern Europe. Clear skies and sunshine with cold nights. In other parts of Australia now its super cold and the COVID19 second wave has hit hard in Victoria with ” Disaster” status implemented earlier this week. The hard border closure will be on force in QLD from this weekend and everyone is worried about the silent illness killing many many people. It’s a hard time everywhere right now, and as individuals we need to look after our health.

We know that one of the best ways to stay healthy is to get sunlight daily. The research is showing that 30 plus nanograms per ml of blood is a great level of Vitamin D to prevent and have mild symptoms of colds and flus. We also know that certain herbs really help boost your immunity and keep your body strong.

Today I want to focus on one of my favourites. Echinacea.

Have you taken some echinacea lately? We have it available as liquid extracts as well as raw organic root for teas.

Recipe for echinacea syrup.

You can make a great echinacea syrup at home by boiling the raw herb in water into a decoction and then adding in some raw local honey in equal parts to the reduced liquid.
Take 100 grams of raw herb and boil with 500ml of water for thirty minutes until reduced to 250ml. ( half) allow to cool down and add 250ml of raw local honey.
Add to drinks, sip this mixture in 10ml amounts three to five times a day.
This herb has multiple uses for your wintertime health. Here is an exert from my book The Magic of Food as Medicine. Available as e book online

Have a great day and take care. Make sure you sign up for our online blogs and newsletters . We are starting our monthly prizes again now.
This is the echinacea we have in the clinic now for purchase. Get some while we have it available. To make your own herbal concoctions and immunity boosters at home.

Our web site is open to purchase online body products, hand sanitisers and gift vouchers. Contact us directly for medicines.

phone us +61 409765033

Podcast Medicine Room can be listened to on Spotify, itunes and podbean

Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom

On instagram we are medicine_room

With love and blessings Dominique Livkamal

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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