YOUR DECISIONS by Yvonne Fregon

We come here for you in these times of worry, upheaval and sometimes sorrow. We would like you to know we are here for you when times get tough. Do not despair.

Find some quiet time, find a quiet space just for a little while to clear your head, to clear your mind and to breathe deeply in and out, in and out. This will help you to feel a little more relaxed. The problem has a solution. Dwell not, for the impossible situation you find yourself in there is always a way out.

Ask us, call on us for guidance and help and as you think clearly and go within, you will find an answer, a solution to your problem.

Nothing will be easy and is not meant to be easy. Life is fraught with challenges for you to overcome. It is not that you can or cannot overcome such challenges, it is how you go about just doing your best in finding a solution now or in the future. It’s along the road to an answer. This is all possible.

You can only think more clearly when you have a relaxed state of mind. Otherwise, the anxiety becomes so much you do not know which way to go and fear of it takes away any sound decisions you can make. There are many solutions to any given problem. When you sit in a relaxed state you can identify many solutions of which there will be one suitable for your own situation.

In a clear state of mind, you can then look at the pros and cons of each solution, and how long, what timelines each step will take. Then clear headedly you take charge of what previously you thought was impossible and now is not.

It may take time and training for you to put yourself in the state of relaxation. And it seems by writing things down it all becomes a lot clearer as well.

You only need to try to do your best, that is all that you can do. That is all that is asked of you, to try to do your best, given the circumstances you find yourself in.

With a clear head and your determination, you then become in charge of your own destiny, in charge of your path and your confidence will grow.

And you tread more lightly, you light up as you raise yourself up in competence and enjoy that you have taken charge of yourself.

Yvonne Fregon

Yvonne (Evie) is the founder of Owl House Arts – heart and soul services. Her purpose is to bring together products and services to bring healing, hope, love and comfort to people anywhere in the world who are having a tough time with life.

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