Your heart’s desire for business in 2023 by Lyndi MacRae

Getting what you want!

Let’s go! How incredible are the energies of 2023?

Month one of the year is where we’re recharged from some downtime and spending quality time with loved ones. We’re excited and ready to get out, be seen and be active in getting our business going for the year ahead.

So I ask you dear reader

  1. What excites you most?
  2. What are your heart’s desires for the year ahead?
  3. What are your priority action items this month leading to more money in the bank?
  4. Would you like to serve more people and get paid well for your expertise?

In 2022 it was my heart’s desire to write a book. IN DEMAND B.O.S.S. Business Operating Success Systems To Help You Get Organised & Save Time was written, published and became an Amazon #1 best seller in kindle and paperback. “Not an easy achievement”, the publisher said. Yet it was done, it’s what I wanted.

With focused intention, dedicated time, completing Inspired Action each day moving me closer towards my goal. It’s all about priorities.

An Olympic swimmer is a good swimmer, better than good, they’re the elite, yet they have a coach to guide them. I didn’t achieve the birth of this book on my own, it took considerable investment in mentors to be my guides of light, that held the flame of belief, knowing what was possible. Their guidance supported me to keep going, to keep growing so I could keep being of service more than I have before. I had to trust the process and move through the discomfort of not knowing everything right then. It was confronting and a surreal experience to evolve through.

A deep awakening transpired, and I was shown how my role as a mentor in my area of expertise is my strength. I’m that guide, a Business Intuitive for those who seek supported guidance to do better with their online business needs. Who wish to expand, to grow and who’re prepared to invest in self.

Reflection on what was, I gained a new respect for all authors and the journey taken. I lived through what I now understand my clients feel when coming to me. We forget all we know, because it’s just what we do naturally. For me, it’s natural to gain what I call unconscious competence to become a subject matter expert, and I’ve done this over and over, yet there’s still so much to learn. So I understand how you feel with the many technology unknowns, as you’re right in thinking, there’s lots of misguided advice thrown about. I see many blinded souls believing a business coach and the business coach doesn’t even have their own setup rocking it!

As I wrote about the business operating success systems. I acknowledged how it’s ‘my easy’ and for most practitioners… it’s a challenge, they can’t decide or it’s something to do later!

Later never comes. You can skill up, get the right guidance with an experienced professional and start now. Simple.

I’m a completer, one who can take what you have and repackage it into the right systems and tools for you. I’m shown the path and the downloads start. You know the knowing of knowing without knowing how one knows… you just know right. Without question you share your gifts to empower others, we all win. We all take one step closer to oneness.

There are certain systems you need to run your business and B.O.S.S. is a proven method where we all end up…eventually. The purpose of the book is so you can start now and be setup for success. Don’t wait! Get a copy, read it and start now.

Included in the book, I mention the Concept2Cash method – one of my favourite and fastest ways you can earn while you learn. I’ve created a worksheet and a bonus walk through video, it’s free and will give you a proven easy to do framework.

Find out how you can serve more people and get paid with what you already know!

Get out on the interwebs, connect with more people and do what you love while making a difference.

If you want to serve more while doing less. Join me, take and tweak what I do and make it yours!

From the Wisdom2Wealth program >>



To purchase a copy of Lyndi’s new book go to:

Lyndi MacRae

As an Intuitive Business Mentor, Coach and Trainer. Author of #1 best-seller 'In Demand B.O.S.S,' Lyndi provides business growth solutions with heart, specialising in business automation and emarketing, using attraction marketing strategies. She also has her own Cacao product and hosts Ceremonial Cacao infused sound healing ceremonies.

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