Back to School in 2025 by Gerard Bini

I have written about EMF dangers in Schools in the past, however, since my last article two other new EMF issues have emerged and become apparent. The new EMF dangers we are facing are the “radiating” streetlights now set up in every suburban street, (apparently for 5G connection, however so far, they are not connected for this), and the other new EMF issue is the vaxx “shedding” phenomena.

The radiating streetlights in our suburban streets generate a harmful form of earth radiation called a Geoelectrical Ground Current (GGC). This earth radiation presents itself, when tested, as causing Geopathic Stress in the body which has a detrimental effect on our Chinese Meridians which, in turn, de-energises vital organs.

The Ground Current spreads across the entire school property!

The EMF generated is not just a small field around the streetlight pole, it goes beyond each pole to cover large areas in the form of a Geoelectric Ground Current. And the antennas in these lights are radiating 24/7! This form of EMF is not conducive to school children’s learning, as it does interfere with concentration levels in the classroom.

The vaxx shedding phenomena, which to me, is probably the most dangerous form of radiation on the planet (except for nuclear radiation) is so dangerous that it is a form of EMF which electromagnetically ‘infects’ people who come within 1.5 meters of each other.

Once a person is shedded, it is there permanently in their biofields until they encounter and use our Stellar Dome or a Geoclense, or wear one of our wearable harmonizers such as a Stellar Pendant or Ener-Band.

We are the only company in the world that produces EMF harmonizers which are infused with the vaxx shedding radiation counter frequency.

And you don’t just become shedded from being around vaxxed people. You are susceptible to being shedded from non-vaxxed people too, because the electromagnetic imprinting from the non-vaxxed but “shedded” people, also transfers to other people, just like the vaxxed people shed to non-vaxxed people!

In a school classroom environment, children who are susceptible to being shedded are going to find concentration levels diminish. Generally, children do not get shedded, however, some children will be more susceptible to electromagnetic shedding. And the children who may not be susceptible to shedding are still going to be electromagnetically affected to a point that their concentration levels are going to be compromised.

This is why it is important for school children to have EMF/shedding protection in the way of a Stellar Pendant or Ener-Band, a Stellar Dome in their school bag protecting the whole school including the school grounds, and in the case of where schools do not allow the wearing of pendants or jewellery, our School Uniform Patches or Ener-Soles can be used for protection.

Back in 2013 a clinical study was carried out to determine whether the use of our Space Clearing Dome, (predecessor to the Stellar Dome), would have a beneficial effect on concentration levels. And the results speak for themselves. See the report of the Clinical study here.

Gerard Bini
Intuitive Building Biologist
Orgone Effects Australia Pty. Ltd.

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Gerard Bini

Gerard Bini, founder of Orgone Effects Australia and the foremost Australian expert in the development of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) harmonizing products, is a well-respected and internationally renowned Intuitive Building Biologist with 20 years of experience and research into EMF beyond the normal.

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