Being the guardian/ carer of an animal is a huge blessing and responsibility. In an ideal world, our animal companions are able to remain in our lives until they depart over the rainbow bridge. Unfortunately it doesn’t always turn out that way. Sometimes people’s life circumstances change and this means that they have to give up their beloved animal friends. This is always a very heart wrenching decision to make. Then there is the sorrowful time when our animal friends are in pain and there is nothing more that can be done to give them quality of life. This is when we have to make that dreaded call to the vet. I’ve had to make that call a number of times myself and I know the grief and guilt that accompanies that decision.
Sometimes puppies and kittens get given as presents. A little puppy or kitten is very cute, but they are a living, breathing, sentient being with thoughts and feelings. They are not someone to be discarded when they chew up your shoes or throw up on the carpet. There are a number of different animals that can fit different lifestyles. If you don’t have time to take care of a puppy or kitten but you still want an animal, there are many animals that are fairly low maintenance, for example fish and birds. When considering large animals, such as horses – they are high maintenance, yet there are still options out there. You could lease, for example, rather than buying. Depending on the terms of the lease, this can mean that you don’t have the full responsibility for the horse. This can make it easier for you. When I wanted to buy my first horse, my father cautioned me that it was a big responsibility. I have had animals – mostly dogs – in my life from when I was three years old. Dad’s point was that I couldn’t have a horse in my backyard, as I was living in a suburban unit at the time. The horse would need to be housed in stables and would need to be fed and looked after on a daily basis. This is not so easy when you have to drive to the stables instead of walking out into the paddock as you can do when you live on acreage. I took Dad’s advice seriously and decided to start my horse guardian journey by leasing instead of buying. This was a cheaper option for me as I wasn’t responsible for vet bills – only feed. In addition, I was able to easily change the horse that I was leasing so that I could experience a few different horses and their personalities. After leasing a couple of horses, I knew what I was looking for in a horse’s temperament and character and that it was time to buy my own horse. That was when Ms Doll entered my life. Doll was with me for around 13 years. Our relationship lasted longer than some human relationships. It was a case of till death do us part. Once Doll was part of my family, that was where she stayed until she departed over the Rainbow Bridge on the 22nd September, 2022. Our time together was a montage of love, laughter, joy, tears and sadness. She brought so much to my life. I was privileged to have known her. Of course everything was not always ‘sunshine and roses’. She could be very stubborn at times. Of course, I was always agreeable and never stubborn. Well, actually Ms Doll was a mirror to me. She helped me to look at myself and to see what was going on for me. Sometimes I didn’t like what I saw. That was when it was time to course correct. This was a gift to me with no judgement from Ms Doll. Sometimes I was able to receive it. Other times, I needed some processing time before I could receive what she was offering. My life is so much greater for having had Ms Doll in it. Whilst there were tears at the end, I would not have changed one part of our journey. It was perfect exactly as it was and I experienced and received exactly what I needed to at the precise moment that I needed it.
It’s a new year. Animals are a mirror to us. They can shine a light on places where we are not in alignment with our true essence of joy and love. If you would like some help unpacking the love and lessons that animals have for you, contact me via my website.
Wishing you a joyful and abundant 2025 from myself and the Pet Energy Therapy Team.
Davina helps you to have better relationships with your whole family – including the furred family members. This helps you to have a more harmonious and fun life. To find out more go to:-
To book a session, go to the Pet Energy Therapy website.
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