Creating Beyond Disability by Eleni Seitis

When you meet or read about people with severe life-changing disabilities accomplishing extraordinary achievements, you wonder how they do it despite the disabilities and challenges they have. Yet you also wonder, could you do that too? In your life now, you achieve amazing things with all the abilities you have, yet would you be just as capable if you had a disability? I truly hope for your sake that you never have to find out the answer to that question.

Hello, I am Eleni. Throughout my adult life, and particularly my working life, people have told me how extraordinary and inspiring I am because of the daily challenges I overcome to run my business, study, travel domestically and abroad, and to heal people. You see, I was born legally-blind, that is, severely vision-impaired with only 10-15% of useable vision in each eye. I have severe short-sightedness, double-vision (rather multi-vision – 3 images in my right eye and 4 images in my left, all overlapping), with no depth of perception (which limits my ability to correctly judge speed and distance), and I have tunnel-vision. My brain never developed facial-recognition software as I did not need it growing up, yet I recognise shape, colour, movement, smells and sounds of people and objects. I will hear you long before I see you. People are amazed that I appear to “see” objects, yet I cannot actually see the image. My brain fills in the gaps and creates images for me. Now that is very sophisticated software. I also have a beautiful Seeing Eye Dog, Laura who helps me safely navigate my world.

I am a healer, and I have always been that. As a child, I believed that I could make someone happy if I hugged or touched them, even taking away their pain and sadness. A friend introduced me to Bowen Therapy back in 2004, declaring I only needed to use my brain and hands, not my eyes. I studied Bowen Therapy with Fascial Kinetics, then with the Academy of Integrated Therapies. I also studied Emmett Technique, Massage, Neuromuscular Technique, Hormonal Release Technique, Infant and Pregnancy Massage, Myotherapy and currently I’m studying Naturopathy. Along the way, I discovered that I have an innate gift to “see within people”…think of it as having X-ray vision. I see (as images in my mind) problematic areas in the body, I feel pain and inflammation in the body, and if the body is stuck in some way, then I seek to uncover it and restore the body back to homeostasis as best I can.

I may have a physical sight deficiency, yet I innately have in-sight, a gift that I was born with to navigate this world around me and to provide me with a work that I love. This healing gift continuously inspires me to learn more and be an inspiration to others who have challenges. By allowing your intuition to guide you to other ways of doing things, you will succeed in your journey of discovery.  

Oasis Health Centres

103 John St, Redcliffe

To make a booking with Eleni please call 0438 545 045

Eleni Seitis

Eleni makes a wonderful difference to your body…a deliciously feel-good difference!

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