DYING TO BE THIN by Spiri Buhagiar

A report in the Weekend Australian on Saturday 30 March, discusses the role that Meta may play in eating disorders in this article it discussed Facebook and Instagrams taking responsibility for content posted on their platforms.

Eating disorders are complex.

Having worked with many young women, I understand that there is no one solution or program that fits all.  This is important to understand, we need to work with each individual and create a program specifically for them, taking into consideration their thoughts and feelings about the disorder that their unconscious mind has created.

Bulimia or Anorexia Nervosa are names given to eating disorders which all begin with a limited belief that has been adopted by the individual. This means that every sufferer needs a tailored program.

Below is a testimony from a sufferer, as well as a testimony from her father who contacted me for help.  It is important the sufferer wanted to make changes to their belief which began their journey into the eating disorder.

Daughters’ testimonial – who now, after 5 years is still recovered.

“I am so grateful to have met Spiri, she has changed my perspective on life and myself so drastically that I cannot thank her enough.  I am 18 and have struggled with self-esteem issues, clinically diagnosed body-dysmorphia, depression and anxiety.  This year was too much for me and my parents organised an appointment with Spiri, and thank God.  Since seeing her I can honestly say I am the happiest I’ve ever been.  I am less fixated on my appearance, I can enjoy myself freely and have fun, all of which were difficult to do in the past.  So thank you so much Spiri,”

Father’s testimonial:

I found Spiri at a very difficult time for my 18 yr old daughter, she had been suffering from body dysmorphia and social anxiety, it has been seriously worrying for all of us, and she had been secretly carrying these issues for some years.  Within days of seeing Spiri my daughter was in the kitchen with me and she started humming a song and started dancing.  This blew my mind as it was so uncharacteristic of J…. It seemed like the weight of the world had been lifted off her!  Spiri had unearthed events that had deeply hurt my daughter’s confidence in herself.  There is further travel on this journey, but J has seen that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and she displays an optimism that she never had before.  We are so thankful for having met you Spiri!

Eating disorders can and do lead to death- it is a serious disorder that is emotional, confronting and heart wrenching for those close to the sufferers.

If you want to understand if and how I may be able to help you, please feel free to contact me direct, I encourage you to log onto my website and read some of the testimonials.  I do genuinely care about my patients.  

Call me direct – Spiri 0418 775849 or email me via my website www.rapidmindtherapies.com.au

Spiri Buhagiar

Spiri Buhagiar has worked with individuals and various companies for over 30 years helping people to be the best version of themselves. She has qualifications and experience in RTT, Hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP and has been gifted with clairaudience which is now scientifically recognised.

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