Head Stories by Alexis Moon

The difference between listening to your body and to the stories your mind likes to spruke.

When you’ve spent decades of doing what you thought you needed, ignoring your body and putting things in your mouth that tasted good at the time, but your body may not have appreciated.

Can you relate?

We are brought up with varying different ideals on what consisted a decent diet. Nutrition ideals change from culture to culture and in a society with many different cultures, we can bombarded by many different ideals.

We can also acknowledge that as we have evolved and science keeps changing and growing, our beliefs and understanding of what constitutes good nutrition changes.

What is forgotten with education around food, not every food is going to suit everybody.

We are unique beings with differing and complex needs.

And as we get older, our bodies change, along with nutritional needs, the changes we experience in our bodies due to hormones, different lifestyles, and other cyclic happenings.

Over time, very little may seem to change. Then, we may come to vastly wild differences happening within our body.

Perhaps you could eat eggs when you were younger every day. Then one day, you get pains in your belly.

It can seem confusing because you were eating what you’ve eaten for ages without a problem.

Yet now, something has changed.

This brings me to the idea of tuning into our bodies for the answers we seek.

Focusing on what will feed and nurture our bodies, we are being guided to learn from these beautiful vessels.

It’s wonderful and necessary to have a basic understanding of what food is to us. To listen to outside authorities as to the possibly choices we have. Then it’s up to us to explore and choose for ourselves what is going to work.

This is when we are invited to dive within and start asking questions.

Questions we may not receive a conscious answer to.

Questions open a doorway for new realisations and awarenesses to come to light.

Our head may want an answer, an instant response to a question. I find that if I ask a question and let it go, ideas and thoughts just turn up, without me having to think about it or go looking for the “answers”.

We don’t need to live in our heads and instead are invited to listen to our bodies more.

We can shift past our head by asking questions, which engages the brain and the energetics of the body.

Questions you could ask:

Body, what do I need today?

Does this food nurture me?

What movement would I like to do today?

What’s a priority for me today?

Does this … work for me?

Bring everything into the present moment and check in with how your body feels.

This is one step in tuning into your body and the wisdom available for you.

To book into Alexis’ Body Talk Program in May, please visit: www.alexismoon21.com

Join Alexis’ group on Facebook: Inner Sanctum

And on Instagram: AlexisIntuitive

Alexis Moon

Alexis Moon is an Intuitive, Healer, Speaker, Interviewer, Storyteller, aspiring Author and is married with 2 teenage sons.

1 comment

  • Great reminder, thankyou. I had a huge nudge from my body recently. It’s interesting when you tune into your body and listen.


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