What is behind food cravings? by Reena Terreping

Every food we eat is connected to a certain emotion.

Depending on what emotion you are feeding — do you crave sour, sweet or salty? Is it going round in circles?

Sour feeds guilt that sometimes can grow to accusations. Food and drinks help the body to balance out emotions. Until a person cannot tolerate sour anymore, their digestive system starts to resist, it gets ill until a person has resolved the cause of guilt.

People who say they can’t eat sour cannot bear to feel guilty.

Sweet feeds the fear in you. Eating sweets brings a peaceful and pleasant feeling, and yet again, if a person doesn’t deal with the root cause, the fear, and keeps eating sweets, they ultimately add to the fear that becomes greater, they just numb it temporarily with sugary drinks and food. People who don’t eat sweet food don’t want to feel fear anymore.

‘Salt rises self-esteem and self-confidence. Exaggerating with it, destroys those qualities.’ (L.Viilma p.363)

By releasing guilt, you stop craving for sour, by releasing fear, you stop excessively craving sweets. By releasing anger, you do not need to feed it with meat anymore, and it is easy to transition to a vegetarian life without causing any health issues for your mind and body.

When a person eats balanced food, has all the tastes on their plate, they have balanced emotions and appetite and are less likely to get sick or overweight.

Healthy thinking leads to balanced emotions, leads to a healthy appetite, leads to a healthy mind and a healthy body.

What if every time craving something you ask yourself what stress am I feeding?

If you are interested in what your craving for a certain food means, you’re welcome to continue reading the extended article on my website.


Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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