You may find in these times you are having it is easy to become more worried than you have been before. There is a lot of chaos, anxiety, and worry. You may think this is a deliberate action from many different aspects of influence in the world to create disharmony. Well, yes, that is an interesting statement to ponder. Is this all something deliberately sent to disturb you, unhinge you, to break you.

You may think such turmoil is only in your time but what you had was but a fleeting moment of tranquillity in the world and then disruption, physical disruption of the environment, followed by human destruction of the environment.

What does this mean? The effects as you know, fan out and easily upset your equilibrium, even though you are many thousands of miles away from these disturbances.

These unsettling activities have always occurred on the earth plane but the knowledge about them has been very very slow, or even non-existent to some or too many in the past because of past ability to communicate any great length or any great distance but without a large time lapse in between. By the time the news eventually arrived from one side of the earth to the other, it was all over perhaps, and so was not affecting those people in other environments. But with your technology of today everything is instant, so that the goings on in the world is communicated easily and quickly in many ways.

And while we say you can do nothing about such traumatic events whether they be natural or caused by humankind, still this can impact on your nervous system, on your bodies without you being wholly aware of this because you take in these vibrations. You subconsciously, unconsciously take in such vibrations of what we call negative effects.

So, while we say it is your role to send out thoughts of love and healing wherever it is needed because of its power, it is important to turn the thoughts you send to others to yourself, to turn these thoughts back on yourself so you can feel love and healing entering your own being, to remove any trauma that you have without knowingly received into your being.

Clear and cleanse your own being from this unconscious negativity and drama. Protection needs to be a constant reminder not just once during the day, but uppermost so you can put up a shield. Just ask for a beautiful white light of protection to act as a shield against your body taking on any of these instances, because they do and will affect you without your knowledge.

A reminder to keep your guard up, to keep your vibration high and know that the negative energy can easily be pulled in without you quite knowing so, as you note and watch and hear communication about environmental effects, physical effects, and human effects upon others.

Do take the time during your day to cleanse yourself from any negativity. Wipe it down, wipe it away and increase your protection so that the unconscious negativity cannot reach you, or if caught by surprise, is drawn out and away from you. This is so you can keep yourself in good shape, to continue your goodness, to continue your journey on the road to help others and to send out thoughts of love and healing wherever they may be needed.

To find our more about Yvonne’s beautiful CD and Aura Drawing readings please go to:

Yvonne Fregon

Yvonne (Evie) is the founder of Owl House Arts – heart and soul services. Her purpose is to bring together products and services to bring healing, hope, love and comfort to people anywhere in the world who are having a tough time with life.

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