“We are what we eat” – Digestion and gut wellness by Dom Liv Kamal

It’s true, and it’s been said for thousands of years. 

” We are what we eat” and “All disease begins in the gut.” 

These are sayings that have been around forever! Literally…. if you eat something poisonous, you get very sick and could even die! If you eat something that’s really nourishing and healthy then you will assimilate it well and your body will get the energy it needs. 

Yes food is fuel and that fuel has so many complex consequences to our whole being and to everything we do, think and feel! 

If we have poor gut health, compromised digestion, declining assimilation of nutrients then we will be feeling less than good! 

Sometimes that feeling of low energy, bloating, inflammation, pain, weight gain, weight loss, autoimmune disease, brain fog, parasites, liver and gallbladder disease and kidney and blood illnesses can all be slow to come on and they are not obvious initially when you eat the foods. 

Long slow onset of illness can mean it’s hard to work out what happened, as you deal with leaky gut and digestive imbalances.

Do you want to heal from this merry go round? Do you just want to avoid it all together? Do you want good digestion and gut health? 

Please join me on our next online course starting on May 3rd. 

Here are the details. 

There are some places left and it’s shaping up to be a very good recipe making experience! We love simple cooking at home and we love our herbs. 

The herb kit for this course is 5 primary digestion and gut healing herbs. They are good for all ages and all members of the family. You will learn to cook with them and make your own herbal remedies at home for gut health and digestion. 

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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