How to have High Vibe Happiness with Ease by Trish Rock

For many years I believed that a high level of happiness and energy took a lot of effort.

I saw many people who I thought ‘had’ what I wanted, and I could see that they really had to ‘work hard’ to have it and stay that way!

That level of happiness and vibration was the Light of every room, was the attractor of what they desired and a seemingly never-ending level of energy and smiles.

It also appeared at times, especially through social media, that I was in this category too, but behind the scenes it was taking a lot of effort, hard work and focus.

To be honest, I want life to be ease. My desire is for ease and grace as I manifest and create the life I desire.

After 28 years in a face-to-face career, I was used to ‘putting on a smile’ and raising my energy for others. At the end of the day, when I didn’t have to perform, the smile disappeared, and the glow dimmed. With no one around I did not need to act any more.

This drained me to the point I left that career and began a new life where I thought happiness would be more natural, and not something I had to pretend to have and be.

Over the last decade there have been many times when I have fallen into that old pattern again, but being aware of it helped me move through it. Social media comparison syndrome has led me a few times to be ‘working hard’ at happiness again but once more, a greater awareness of myself has allowed me to change this rather than become it again.

A high vibration and level of happiness can look like the loudest and brightest one in the room.

BUT it can also look like the quietest and most humble in the room.

Your happiness and energy are your uniqueness. You can express it, feel it and be it in whatever way feels best for you.

Over the past couple of years, I have embraced this more and more and while there are days when I am out in the world shining brightly, there are other days when I am reflective, quiet and enjoying my own company with nothing to do but feel, and see the beauty in all around me and within.

I am comfortable talking to a room of people and am also comfortable being in the background and allowing others to have the floor.

All versions are high vibration and I have a peace and happiness that I have not experienced before.

Acceptance of you, and all others, for the uniqueness we all are is a great first step to creating that inner happiness that then manifests all around you in the outer world.

Asking for help when you are stuck in old thought patterns and energy lows is also an important step. The awareness you have about yourself is the work. Not keeping up pretences. Being you in all your beautiful aspects and bringing conscious actions, feelings and energy into your reality.

The moment-by-moment inner awareness work is what will bring you a high vibrational energy and the inner happiness you seek, with ease, grace and love.

This changes the lives of the clients I work with. And it could change your life too.

If you are ready to have that high vibe happiness with more ease and grace, in your unique style and way, then having someone to guide you through it is essential and will speed up your results.

I offer 1:1 mentoring, and Spiritual Guidance and you can hop on a free call with me here to see if we would be a fit for your current needs:

If you are interested in a great start to each week then the HIGH VIBE HAPPINESS HUB may be for you! This is a very affordable weekly private membership group. We meet every Sunday in a Zoom group chat and set up the energy for the week ahead! I offer Spiritual Guidance and mentoring here too as you navigate new awareness’s and live a more empowered life. Find out more here:


Trish xo

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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