Many years ago I was in a total victim mindset and energy.
I blamed everything and everyone for all that was wrong in my life and all that kept going wrong. I was in so much blame then, of others, that I sold my entire life, packed up and left the state to start again…where the external was different.
6 months later I found myself in a new place, new city, knowing nobody and sitting there in my home alone, still feeling miserable, unhappy and things still going wrong!
There is a saying: “Wherever you go, there you are”
Running away from other people and situations was never the answer and never will be because it is never the external that is to blame for your unhappiness or things going wrong. We all have a choice as to how we feel no matter what is happening in our experience!
Little did I know at the time but this experience was about to show me how my feelings of INSIGNIFICANCE were absolutely ruling my life and would continue to do so until I recognised it and shifted it.
Many clients come to me when things are not going well in their life. They are looking for answers, for solutions. They are looking for a way forward to more joy and happiness and abundance in their life.
Often times, they present with issues similar to what I experienced many years ago and I move straight past any of the external issues and problems they speak about. These are not the issues. And there are no solutions to these problems unless the cause of them is looked at.
The cause in most cases is a belief or perception we have about ourselves.
This view of who we are actually creates our reality, our external. It is like ‘proof’ from the Universe that what we think about our self is true. And this is the case no matter what our self belief is!
If you believe you are deserving and are open to receive- things appear to come easily to you in life. If you believe you are worthless and not deserving to be happy – health issues and unhappy recurring experiences in your environment will reflect that.
It is the same with insignificance and this is a big one, closely related to unworthy and not deserving but will show up and rule your life in a very different way.
Discovering what the underlying issue really is for my clients is one of the magic skills I have been blessed with and we get to the source very quickly, often surprising the client, as they did not think this was an issue for them! Insignificance is an old belief I had to shift and when I did, everything changed.
When my clients discover this belief and go through the process of shifting it, everything changes for them too!
So what are the signs and signals that insignificance is ruling your life right now, and perhaps has done for a long time?
1. Never being picked for something you really want (sport, job, promotion etc)
2. Feeling like no one respects or is interested in your opinion
3. Feeling and experiencing being unseen
4. Feeling and experiencing being unheard
5. Experiencing lack of acknowledgement (from yourself and others) no matter how much you learn, know, do, study or educate yourself with/on
6. Feeling and experiencing non importance
7. Never being good enough no matter how hard you try
8. Looking for validation from others and feeling small when you don’t get it
9. A general feeling of unhappiness and separateness
10. Wondering when the next ‘happiness hit’ will occur when someone recognises or acknowledges you for something!
Many of these are unknown, subconscious reactions and feelings and in my case, when they occurred I had no idea it was coming from my feelings and the belief I was not significant enough to receive more! That is why I blamed everyone around me. The reason myself and my clients recovered so fast and shifted so easily from these experiences is that when you actually know the belief behind the issue- you can change your belief.
THIS is absolutely possible for everyone!
Changing your environment and other people to make you feel better? That is something you cannot do nor is it possible in most cases so to continue on that path is really banging your head against the wall! And believe me, I had a flat forehead!
So I want to ask you now…what is ruling YOUR life? Which old belief, emotion, fear, perception?
Perhaps you have great beliefs and perceptions in some areas of your life and perhaps others are not doing so well? Being clear on where the issues are is the first step. Uncovering the cause of the issues is the next and then it’s a simple process to clear those old beliefs about yourself and adopt new ones which will not only change the way you feel about yourself, but will shift your entire experience like magic.
Once I felt significant and absolutely knew this to be true about myself- I no longer needed or looked for validation from anyone as to my worth and value. The belief in my significance created a whole other world of magic where I no longer felt victim to anything or anyone. Self empowerment, self trust and self knowledge gave me a different point of view in the everyday experience and also in my vision and future plans.
My clients that have released the old insignificant beliefs are thriving in a light, joyful life they thought was not possible!
We cannot control the beliefs, paradigms or perspectives we are given at the beginning of our life here on this planet. However we CAN control whether we continue to believe the thoughts and perspectives that are no longer serving us or are not us. Many of the fears and beliefs we have about ourselves are actually other people’s stuff that we have taken on. We do not have to keep them.
Are you ready to discover what is keeping you in a holding pattern of insignificance, unhappiness, blame and unworthiness and begin living a life of joy, prosperity and magic?
You are here, you are significant, you are a miracle. I see you.
Trish Rock | Transformation Catalyst | Psychic/Clairvoyant
~~One of the 8 Female CHANGEMAKERS for 2020 as named in YMag ~~
~~Enlightened Changemaker for 2020 in Holistic Bliss Magazine~~
~~ Producer & Host of TrishRockTV
Book a free call with me here: BOOK A CALL
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