May Soul Scopes By Marion Hutton – The Soul Awakening Strategist

May is bringing us some huge cosmic energies, particularly through the eclipses, which is the focus for my astrology insights this month.

The first is the New Moon (solar) Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th April/1st May. It will trigger a deeper awakening to our value and sense of self-worth, our inner beauty, and how it helps us to fulfil our purpose here on Earth. With Uranus providing a dose of the unexpected, something that was previously blocked or hidden on our path will suddenly become illuminated, like a Divine lightning rod. Taurus grounds this energy in the practical, material world, allowing us to move ever closer our destiny. This eclipse also has strong links to the Jupiter-Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, as Taurus is ruled by Venus, so there is a distinctly Divine Feminine flavour to this eclipse which opens our hearts to a higher love of self and appreciation of the power of feminine energy at this time in our evolution. Divine Feminine energy is all about trust, flow, creating from the heart, nurturance, vulnerability, attracting, emotional awareness and the ability to receive, so this is the energy we need to embrace over the next six months to be magnetised to our soul’s path and purpose and transcend into a higher octave of self-love. Our senses are heightened during this period, helping us decide what is right, or not, for us along our path.

Of course, eclipses come in seasons, so we have a Full Moon (lunar) eclipse two weeks later, in Scorpio. This will be an intense transit as we will be purging beliefs and psychological states that perpetuate toxic masculinity. Unhealed masculine energy looks like control, avoidance, operating through the mind, competition, being insensitive, distant and emotionally cold. The best thing we can do to prepare for this is to identify where we may be exhibiting toxic masculine behaviours and allow them to be released. This is important for all of us, but particularly for twin flame and higher soul mate connections.

May truly is the month of accessing and embodying our soul power! Let’s see what’s in store for you with this month’s Soul Scopes. Read your Sun, Moon and Rising sign for a full picture of the energies you will be working with. Have fun!

You will be celebrating a significant personal victory this month. This gives you a huge boost of confidence and belief in yourself. You may be in the limelight or receive long overdue recognition for your contributions. It is also important to acknowledge yourself this month, through self-praise. There are things you have achieved that you should be proud of and, more than this, you achieved them because you are you. Your strengths, talents and qualities are the fuel that brings in progress and success this month. It’s not necessarily about what you do in May, but how you do it. This is all about swimming in the energy of deservingness because of who you are. When you are your biggest supporter, the universe brings you into contact with people who celebrate you too and the vibration of success grows ever potent for you.  

May is a fantastic time to work on your physical health and material security. You may even receive an inspirational message about a financial opportunity or creative venture that you have been wanting to bring into manifestation. You will feel motivated to learn something new or go deeper into a field of study that could set you up in a business or provide an opportunity to earn additional income. This is the ideal month to manifest a personal dream or goal you have been keeping in your heart by taking practical action to begin it, with patience and a pragmatic mindset. You may not feel ready, but the universe is giving you the green light to start now, however small this first step may seem, it is progressing you in a new direction of prosperity. Everything will follow from there and you can learn and upskill as you progress. If you don’t start, you’ll always wonder what might have been. Your entrepreneurial spirit is strong this month, so get focused and use these cosmic energies to your maximum benefit!


Walking away from people or situations that no longer nourish you emotionally will be important this month. When you emotionally detach from people who are selfish and don’t support you, you set a standard for the types of people you attract into your life. It is an act of self-love. On the flip side, there is also a need to share more of your emotional side with people you trust. Opening up and being vulnerable can be challenging, but once you do you will find a deeper sense of belonging and connection with yourself, friends and relationships. Think of it as moving toward something better for your soul rather than running away, this will help you to detach and release more easily. Someone from your past may return to your life this month, be open and loving but also true to your feelings. Do not accept the same old energy from them. Create a safe space for them to open up and allow them to speak their emotional truth. It is what you deserve.

You are the proverbial free spirit this month, Cancer! New opportunities that inspire your soul will appear this month and they can come in swiftly so get ready for action. May is a fertile time for envisioning the greatest, most audacious future state for your life. Visions are what carry us through the challenges and low points when we are feeling despairing, doubtful or hopeless. They show us what is possible with positive intention, creative endeavour and belief that we have the power to bring our visions into being. It will be really important for you to be with people who inspire you and do things that spark joy, fun, laughter and play. There is a cheeky, loving and fiery energy about you this month which is attracting different people and experiences, reigniting your enthusiasm for life! Allow your free spirit to take you on some exciting adventures in May! Someone with a significant Aries placement may be important to you this month.

May is all about alignment for you, Leo. To decide what is important for you and direct your emotional energy to those experiences that align with your future path. Emotions play an important role in our sense of well-being, so it will be particularly important for you to be in a state of gratitude this month. Focus on the wonderful life you have rather than what you think you are missing out on. Each morning upon rising, state three things for which you are grateful. It is okay to want to be more fulfilled, that’s a natural human part of evolution. When you decide what’s truly important for you it will be easy to be in a state of feeling blessed for how your life is unfolding. Disappointment or rejection is sign that the universe is guiding you toward something more fulfilling. Opening to possibilities you may not have previously entertained may give you the emotional boost you are seeking. Your emotions are your inner guide, use them to re-align your world toward happiness this month.

Take notice of messages that come through inner-knowings this month, as clarity is on its way. Divine downloads are flowing to you in May, bringing breakthroughs, new ideas and clear judgement. Don’t allow fear and worry to hinder your plans, move faster than the speed of disbelief and consciously co-design with the universe while you’re in this mind flow. The key here is to stop over-thinking potential outcomes and instead focus your mind on the present. Take action based on current circumstances, not old thought patterns or past events. It is time to move forward now with optimism and fresh thinking. New avenues of study, learning and/or teaching are opening up this month too which will open up your world to new possibilities. Someone who has been on your mind lately may make contact this month, they want to deliver the truth you have been longing to hear. Listening is your superpower in May!


Observing situations from a position of neutrality is key for you this month. Honesty and humour in are your go-to tools as you navigate decisions and assess courses of action that are fair and just. You have the ability to see clearly and not be swayed by emotions or hidden agendas this month. Your perception is razor sharp and you can rely on your judgement and clear psychic knowing to get you to the truth. This is also a powerful time to speak your truth from a place of deep knowing and love within yourself without fear of retribution or negative consequences. Make sure you use your words wisely this month as they are your weapon and can wound if not handled carefully. Injecting humour into your interactions this month will help to smooth tensions and reconcile strained relationships. Someone intellectual, witty and insightful may be significant to you this month – most likely a Gemini, another Libra or could even be an Aquarius.

Wow, you are magnetically powerful this month, Scorpio! Your thoughts could instantly manifest so be careful what you wish for. May is the month for you to use all of the tools in your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical toolkits to create the experiences you desire. You are the alchemist, uniting the spiritual and earthly realms to literally create magic. Use your intuition to know just how much of each element you need in your magical recipe this month. For example, if you have explored an idea in your head as far as it can go you would need to draw on your physical toolkit to figure out which actions are best to take to complete the manifestation of this event or experience. Detach from how you think the outcome should look and allow the universe to work its serendipitous timing and exquisite method. Intention is everything this month, so align your actions with the whispers of your higher self which holds the template of your highest future timeline.

Ok Sag, it’s time to get real this month about where you are sabotaging yourself. What feelings do you keep sweeping under carpet? What do you keep denying yourself because you believe you are not worthy? Where in your life are you justifying being in your current state, pretending to be happy? These are the questions that require introspection and honesty this month. It’s a long overdue reality check and may be painful to acknowledge, but the insights, mental clarity and emotional freedom that come from it will be extraordinary. You could be telling yourself that you are happy being alone, for example, but deep inside you know you truly long for a passionate, intimate and loving relationship. It is time to admit this to yourself, whatever it is for you. Bringing self-sabotaging thoughts into the light of awareness is essential this month as they will show you where you can make changes that provide a new sense of direction and freedom in your life. And we know that freedom is your greatest value, Sag. Do it for you. You’ll thank yourself later.

You are on a mission this month, Capricorn! Ideas turn into swift action and nothing will stop you when you set your mind on something. Your intellectual power is strong and is the key to achieving your goals in May. In other words, working smarter, not harder will be to your advantage. Act immediately on any Divine downloads you receive as they are reliable guidance to progress you along your path. Your mind is in top gear and will provide the confidence to solve any problems that crop us this month. You may need to cut cords to release someone energetically from your life, especially if someone has been taking up a lot of head space lately. As hard as it is to detach, trust it is necessary for your highest good at this time. A Gemini, Libra or Aquarius Sun, Moon or Rising could also be significant to you in May as a bringer of truth that impacts your life in a positive way.


This month you will need to decide the best way to manage everything you need to get done. It is a highly productive month and your best approach is to focus on the highest priority tasks and leave the rest to others, or another time. This is where understanding the bigger picture for your life will help you to decide what your most important activities need to be. Planning ahead and being realistic about what you can achieve this month will be critical to ensure you do not lose your balance. There is a risk you could become all-work and no fun this month, so taking a playful approach to work and scheduling time for fun activities will help things to run more smoothly and reduce the burden of responsibility. Sometimes taking time out is the most productive thing you can do. Take yourself out in nature or move your body to shake off stagnant energy and re-energise your focus. Adaptability, patience and a flexible mindset are your super powers this month, to ensure balance and harmony are maintained.

This is an extremely abundant month for you, Pisces! Opportunities in your career and soul purpose are indicated. You know your worth and this combined with your skills and talents bring worldly success in May, or at the very least a strong foundation for long term success and prosperity. You are confidently owning your authority in a particular field and this is attracting limitless abundance to you in the form of vibrant health, spiritual energy, helpful people and financial wealth. Your self-discipline and wisdom are opening up abundance portals for personal and professional growth this month and with strategic planning and dedicated work, success is inevitable. It is like you have unlocked the secret to your continued prosperity and you are now in a manifestation slip stream where you have full faith that the universe will delight you with a greater level of richness than you could have imagined, in all areas but particularly on a financial level. Someone who is successful, business-minded and influential may also be significant to you this month. You deserve the best, always!

These Soul Scopes are an intuitive fusion of Tarot, Astrology and Numerology. Marion practices Evolutionary Astrology which reveals the potential of cosmic forces that contribute to each person’s unique soul blueprint and evolutionary path in this life. Marion uses astrology to provide greater understanding of the universe and deep self-acceptance for all her clients. To book a personal reading with Marion, go to:

Marion Hutton

Marion Hutton is The Soul Awakening Strategist and pioneer of the Divine DNA Blueprint and the creator of Soul Scopes Astrology.

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