We ALL have the ability to connect to our loved ones in the spirit world. Read that again. Yes, ALL of us. You don’t need to be a medium, or to even go to a medium to get that connection. Yes, by getting a reading you can get confirmation from your loved ones, and it definitely amplifies that. But you can set the intention yourself and just do a few daily mindful moments of that intention and it will help you too to get connection.
The most common two blocks I see for those wanting to connect to their loved ones are:
1. Not being present and not allowing yourself to have quiet moments throughout the day to be able to receive messages from your loved ones.
2. Trying way too hard and then questioning when the guidance comes through.
Both of these main blocks I see (and yes there can be a few others, but I want to focus on these for now) if broken down come back to self confidence and trust in your own inner knowledge.
Now this is so common and even after doing this work for quite a while, you can still slide down that slippery slope, so don’t feel alone in it. We all do it (if we are honest with ourselves).
So how do we overcome this? Well, just setting that daily intention at the start of the day, i.e. “Hi mum in spirit can you please give me a clear sign today/this week”, and create this as a habit.
Then the task is to stop being busy at every moment, take time off scrolling and doing, and just give yourself time to be. Go for a walk without your phone, give yourself a phone free time this might be before 7 am in the morning and after 7 pm. If you have young children, it might be possible to commit to 30 mins a day of your time, be it getting up earlier or allowing time after they are in bed.
As hard as this may seem to trial, it will show you the benefits. You may use this time to meditate, read a book or even just sit and listen to nature if it’s close by. I for one have found the last 6 months of being mindful of time and doing what gives me the most inner peace, has produced the largest amount of growth in both my personal and career paths. I also have my spiritual team to thank as they show me clearly what I need to do, and so do your spiritual team if you take time to listen.
My Mediumship card deck is also well utilised for me, as I take out the main card (there are 10 in my deck, grandparents, parents, partner even pets) who I want guidance from and place that on my table and include this in my daily or weekly intention. Use any tools you can to set yourself up for success because our loved ones in spirit are ready to help right now. So don’t be a wally and waste that unconditional guidance they offer us! Start NOW!
Love and Blessings, Tonia Reeves
Australia’s Cowgirl Medium
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