It’s time to CELEBRATE as my Mediumship Cards deck has finally arrived!
I’m feeling humbled as I sit here packing up my cards ready to send out to those that pre-ordered. It’s a surreal feeling for something that started as an idea has now become a reality. The feedback so far has been overwhelming and those I’ve handed decks to are coming back with more orders.
The feedback I’ve been receiving about my mediumship deck is that they are unusual. It’s not that they have amazing artwork or many words but the energy and intention from the spirit world is powerful, which I believe is what makes people drawn to them.
I really was the messenger and feel my role was to give birth to this creation. I was just being of service and trusting the guidance I was given. It also reminded me that when you surrender to the process is when you create flow and stop resistance.
You see the card process was over four months and the artwork were completed within six weeks. Overall, it was pretty easy, I just had to stop second guessing myself. This made me think how life creates us to often go into this mode of second guessing. Overriding it with faith and confidence can be a great challenge.
As I sit here thinking about the best way to do this, and what I did to make that process easy, it came to me – I didn’t give the doubt focus! Sure, it crept in, but I overrode that with positive self-talk.
For me this started with Louise Hay and affirmations. I love them and if you come to my house you would see them all around. They work, and boy do I know it. When you practise affirmations, they become second nature enabling you to overpower that nagging negative voice by stating in your mind, or out loud, those affirmations.
Some of my favourite affirmations I recite off the top of head anywhere are:
- I am enough
- I love and accept myself
- I am a powerful creator
- I am safe, and all is well in my world.
These are just a few of my favourites and I certainly change them up. If you are keen to learn more, I recommend Louise’s books Heal Your Life and The Power Is Within You. You can purchase them as audio books for easy listening which helps rewire the brain and empower us to follow our own true north.
We all have a purpose here in life and connecting to that is where the magic happens. Don’t die with the magic still in you. Activate it now!
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realise this and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
Love and blessings
Tonia Reeves
Australia’s Cowgirl Medium
To get your own deck of cards go to Tonia’s website:
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