PARENTING FOR PEACE – MY WHY by Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there beautiful HBM readers!

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2021, and its theme this year being #ChooseToChallenge, I return to a statement I regularly use in conversation – “it’s time to challenge everything with the view to removing violence and abuse of all kinds from our lives, our communities, our world, our ways of being!”   

Rather than remaining silent, we will benefit from upping the ante and creating a very loud, very powerful, and highly influential one voice, a voice of unity that embraces our globe and all on it.

How are you contributing to this cause, this movement towards all interaction and communication being peaceful i.e., zero violence and zero abuse?

Where and how are you using your voice?

My WHY is “To collaboratively create social and cultural change that honours children and improve communities” globally. I am one voice and together we can create that collective change. And I am ready to do more.

This is personal for me. Like millions of people across the world, I was born into an environment of abuse – psychological, physical, emotional, narcissistic and more. As a child, I didn’t know what these behaviours were called, I just knew that they were unkind. My family home was a war zone, and it was unsafe.    

Did you experience this and/or do you still experience this?

Statistically, most people born into abuse or violence, end up in it at times throughout their life. It is an emotional body frequency that is familiar, and knowingly or unknowingly, they return to it. It has major costs from physical health to relationships, complex post-traumatic stress, community and our nation.

Much has been achieved in recent years and there are many voices having an impact. We need more and we need it now!

In this year where self-truth, and self-knowing are key themes, speaking our truth and acknowledging the truth of who we are, what we have experienced, and what we have achieved, we can choose to be the change we wish to see in the world. In doing that we can create change for others who do not have a voice. 

As a Foundation SleepTalk Coach, I recommend for all families to use “The Goulding Process”, founded by Joane Goulding. It’s known via research as “The Proven Parent Solution – the 2-minute gift with changes that last a lifetime”. 

You can book sessions and packages with me via email on or text on 0400 169 855.

Let’s choose the change challenge together.

Donna Willett-Flockhart
The Peaceful Parenting Rockstar
Phone: 0400 169 855

Recommended reading 

‘Nonviolent COMMUNICATION – A Language of Life’ by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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