Part 1: SoulSpeak – Being Trauma Informed by Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Hi there awesome parents!

My first season with Holistic Bliss Magazine comes to a close in December 2021. I am grateful for this wonderful time with you and, in order to serve you best, I have chosen to share more personal stories in the final three columns of 2021. 

In these times of radical truth, freedom, and abundance leading into 2022, using our VOICE, our unique vibrational frequency and sound is paramount for healing our Self, our ancestral challenges, and the collective. 

The thought leaders and the experts leading humanity’s way agree that what I speak of here is the new NOW and it is our choice.

I choose to use my VOICE in these final three columns to focus on educating, revealing, and navigating the sources of trauma in the lives of parents, children, families, communities and all of humanity – to provide you with a starting point, a way point, for creating more peace in your world, the world. Trauma is born from experiences in all areas of life, and it carries complementing coping behaviours.

Some of the parts of life that induce trauma include:

  • the family home via domestic and family abuse, domestic violence, and child abuse; 
  • schooling – the systems, the educators, other children & bullying; 
  • the greater education system; in community via playgrounds, religious environments, retail venues, enforcers of laws; and from people in positions of authority and perceived care. 

What is vitally important is that we individually and collectively understand that all trauma stems from unresolved ancestral, and intergenerational traumatic family experiences.

Practising Peaceful Parenting – being a peace promoting and present parent may appear in various forms, and one of those is being a forever student at The University of Life to gift our children the tools and awareness to navigate moment by moment the life they are here to live. 

Being a trauma informed parent, in a trauma informed family, community, and society will lay the foundation for a more peaceful approach to all of life in each and every moment.

It is, particularly now, that humanity is being called to create a trauma informed way of being – our social and cultural norm is being created as a framework and fabric that will be present to allow, to observe, to recognise and acknowledge, to understand, be inclusive, and to be a permanent source of kindness, compassion and safety via connections, conversations, and community. 

This is the beginning of our new NOW as the impact of the imprint of trauma is all encompassing across our trauma experiencing body. It when we live in the understanding of trauma that we acknowledge each individual is not defined by their trauma behaviours. Then we have the opportunity to create the shift to a truly inclusive global, social, vibrational frequency that honours all – providing the space to facilitate the resolution of all existing residual traumas for our people, our earth, our nature, our universe, our cosmos etc.

This is exciting. And that is an understatement.

Let’s do this together and let’s create the life that our children contracted with us to do as the parents of their choice.

Your trauma informed and peaceful parenting pathway starts here with 3 consecutive sessions for $3333.33. This is a beautiful choice to help to ease the way for your children, and to resolve intergeneration trauma in your family. The opportunity awaits you to create the shift and bring more peace and calm to you, and your family.   

Less chaos. More calm. Less stress. More ease. MORE FUN, freedom, and being in your unique peaceful parent energy.

To schedule your sessions, simply pop me a note on or you may voice message or text me on 0400 169 855.

I look forward to helping you shine! 

With big love and hugs from my peaceful parent heart and soul to yours.

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart
The Peaceful Parenting Pathway
0400 169 855

Recommended reading:

  • ‘It Didn’t Start With You’ by Mark Wolynn
  • ‘The BODY KEEPS the SCORE – brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma’ by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
  • ‘The 5 Love Languages of Your Family’ by Gary Chapman
  • ‘Nonviolent COMMUNICATION – A Language of Life’ by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD
  • ‘Democratic Parenting: Evolving Beyond Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting’ by Blaise T. Ryan

Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart

Donnamarie provides game changing guidance for parenting your children. She facilitates families to bring fun, kindness and happiness back to the family home.

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