The Power of Lemurian Crystals by Charlie Lally

Lemurian Crystals are very spiritual crystals with a very high vibration energy. When and if you hold a Lemurian crystal, you may feel the powerful energy, making them useful in healing. If you are drawn to a Lemurian crystal, you may be looking for a spiritual guide. Let the energy of this crystal foster self-awareness and a connection to your inner wisdom, divinity, and guide you on a spiritual path if it is calling you.

How to identify the difference between a Lemurian:

Lemurian Quartz Crystal will have a random pattern. For instance, one side is frosted, smooth, frosted, frosted, frosted, smooth; or they are even all over as smooth or all frosted one or the other.

Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystal has an alternating pattern of a frosted side on the shaft and then a smooth, very transparent side, then a frosted side and a very transparent side, alternating all the way around.

How do you find the encoded information on your Lemurian?

Lemurian Crystal will look like a wand with rough, prominent, horizontal striation on some sides of the shaft. You can identify them by feeling the lines as sometimes you may not see them.

How to use your Lemurian Crystal Point:

Rub your thumb along the striations of a Lemurian crystal in meditation to tap into your spirituality and unlock its wisdom for you to achieve a better understanding of yourself.

The Power of a Lemurian Seed Crystal:

Working with a Lemurian seed crystal during healing sessions can be incredibly powerful, whether you’re working with a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual condition.

There are 4 different types of Lemurian:

  • Smoky Quartz helps to ground their extremely high vibration into the mind, body and soul.
  • Citrine Quartz version has a focus on raising self-esteem, and modifying DNA, to handle living in the technical age.
  • Clear Quartz bring balance to the spiri tual and emotional bodies, while helping one focus on creative and innovative solutions to any, and all, problems.
  • Hematite included in: Pinkish colour containing pink lithium – helps to calm and provide emotional balancing. Reddish colour containing iron – helps us maintain our connection with our Earth Mother, for root chakra as well as heart chakra, and also focusing/grounding our creative energies. 

I just love using my Lemurian Quartz Crystals when I am doing a reading for my clients as they help me to connect with my angels and spirit guides. They are an excellent tool to cleanse and work with my Crown Chakra (7th) and Soul Star Chakras (8th). They also activate and connect me with all the Higher Chakras above the Crown Chakra so the information comes through clearer. In addition, they are perfect to work with Akashic Records – past lives.

If you would like to book a reading or like to know further information on crystals, send me a message and I will be happy to reply.

Love, light and healing, Charlie

Psychic/Medium, Crystal Healer, Akashic Record Facilitator



Email: heavenlycrystalsonline@gmail.comstrong

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Charlie Lally

Charlie Lally is the creator of Heavenly Crystals Online and an intuitive psychic-medium and accredited and certified crystal healer.


  • It’s so great to read your contribution, Charlie, and to be connecting again in this beautiful space, where we first met.

    Thank you for the education on the spectrum of Lemurian Crystals. I have a few, and what not at all aware of the extent of range and qualities. I was aware of their immense power!

    I am super grateful and look forward to your regular inflatables💖🪷💖


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