The Women’s Monthly Cycle by Sarah Kottmann

Our passage into womanhood starts on the first day of our first cycle but the journey isn’t always a pleasant one, with many who suffer from irregular periods, heavy bleeding and extreme pain.  Many women suffer in silence thinking it is normal or not knowing what could be done to help rebalance the cycle. Every woman should enjoy a stress-free monthly cycle.

A woman’s regular cycle is 28 days, this can vary slightly either side of the 28 days. An irregular cycle is when the cycle is different each month or you miss months completely. There can be several causes the most common being hormonal imbalances, stress, extreme weight loss and extreme emotion.  Ovulation then occurs between day 11-14, depending on the length of your cycle, this may vary.  The menstruation (bleeding) phase generally lasts around 3-7 days, longer than this can also signal a hormonal imbalance.

Period pain (dysmenorrhoea) affects many women, mild pain is normal, and you shouldn’t need to take anything for it, any pain over and above this can be a sign of hormonal imbalances, however it can also be a sign of endometriosis.

Heavy bleeding is another common issue that I see in clinic and again is associated with hormonal imbalances but also could be uterine fibroids, polyps, or endometriosis.

Homeopathy may just be the gem you have been searching for, it is a therapy that has been around for 250 years and is used worldwide by millions of people, using the philosophy of “like cures like”. Treatment is aimed at restoring health on a physical and emotional/mental level by using the body’s defences. The medicine helps to strengthen the body’s constitution, so you are better equipped both physically and emotionally at whatever life throws at you.

In the instance of a woman’s monthly cycle, this may mean rebalancing the hormones, being able to cope with stress better or rebalancing and healing the emotions, by doing so we address the underlying causes, and the symptoms naturally disappear.

Each of us is an individual, which is what makes homeopathy so unique as we look at the person as an individual, not by their condition but their whole self and choose a remedy that fits that individual’s picture.

Sarah Kottmann

Sarah Kottmann

Sarah Kottmann is the pioneer of North Lakes Homeopathy. She offers an holistic approach to health through Homeopathy, Reiki, CranioSacral therapy and Nutrition.

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