Tips from a Spiritual Teacher for December by Linda Willow Roberts

Well, what an ending to 2020. December is the month to clear all past Karma. Starting off with the full moon Eclipse on the 30th November we then have a fortnight to see what comes up until the Solar eclipse New moon on the 14th of December in Sagittarius. 

So, what might this period between eclipses look like? Well passing people in the street that you use to know, seeing old partners, people you went to school with even old patterns popping up. What you need to do about these people and situations, especially if they weren’t good situations, is look at what the lesson was for you. Acknowledge it and let it go to the Universe. 

We then have on the 21/12/21 Saturn and Jupiter moving into the sign of Aquarius, yes, the “Dawning of the age of Aquarius”. A new age is upon us and the Universe doesn’t want us taking old baggage or karmic patterning into this new era. 

Clear the decks and let’s have a clean new slate to move into 2021. A beautiful number 5 year all about humanity working together with compassion, unconditional love, and empathy. Instead of working with the “I AM”, 2021 is all about “WE ARE ONE.” 

2020 has taught us to look out for our neighbours, not to believe in everything we are told, and a mass consciousness of gratitude for life like we’ve never seen before. People will be relocating to the country and beaches to become self-sufficient, have room to move and to live somewhere that soothes their soul. 

The new year will see careful planning for the long term. No one will be cut short or out in the cold should this ever happens again. A five year makes me think of 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses and 5 vital body organs so I wonder what new technology will be discovered for our human bodies in 2021. 

The year of the Red Metal Ox means business in agriculture will go ahead, lets buy local produce where we can. Also the mining industry will have a shift. I will be watching the Gold prices. Technology and communication will be used more in new ways. Most other businesses will have to consolidate which is good for us consumers getting the best from 2 or more companies.  

A 5 year and metal Ox. I had to look at the Periodic table its equivalent is Boron used in nuclear fusion, magnets, and plant nutrients. Could be quite interesting to see what new technology and inventions appear in 2021 or what happens around the world in a nuclear way?

Metal and earth intuitively feel like the earth’s plates shifting especially between Australia and New Zealand, I also get the sense of the Pacific Island being affected by water.   

Overall, 2021 is a new era, I am excited to see what is discovered in the first 6 months of the year. I am also excited for the freedom, unconditional love and compassion that will be more out in the mainstream population, everyone has had their intuitive gut feelings turned on, so let’s celebrate a world where humanity believes in something greater than us.  

Linda Willow Roberts
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Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a spiritual teacher, author and creator of ‘I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards’ based in Tasmania and offering her products and services anywhere in the world.

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