Turn Your Resolutions into Reality for an amazing 2024!!! By Sally Holden

One of the reasons I never set New Year’s Resolutions is that they rarely work.

Over the years I’ve witnessed so many people start the new year with great intentions, but by the end of January, early February, they have dropped off the band wagon completely……

This is generally because:
#1 They overwhelm themselves by attempting to change everything at once.

#2 Having an all or nothing (perfectionistic) mentality.

#3 Losing focus on their “New Year’s Resolutions” when life gets busy again after holidays.

#4 Trying to create change from a fear-based perspective, feeling that you aren’t good enough until you achieve XYZ.

#5 Not shifting your identity internally to match your goals. (Trying to stop smoking, but still identifying as a smoker that’s giving up, v’s a non-smoker, or trying to create more money, but still believing you are no good with money.)

Below are the key steps to turn our resolutions from just a lovely idea and hoping that things will change, into clarity, focus and aligned action that will support you to bring your resolutions into your reality.

1. Get really clear on who you are becoming and what your priorities are and what you personally wish to create for yourself from a place of inspiration and deep soul connection.

2. Create a supportive structure, through planning and scheduling your days, based upon the things you’d like to achieve, that allows you to remain focused each day and each week on what is most important to you. (This also includes setting healthy boundaries with others.)

3. Have a growth mindset that allows flexibility for when life throws you a curve ball, or you face challenges or adversity.

4. Have the tools to identify and clear your own limiting beliefs and stories that get in the way of achieving your goals.

5. Become a match energetically and vibrationally to your new reality that you are creating.

(I also type all of my goals/intentions in all of my life areas up and print them out and stick them somewhere I see them daily.)

This is one of the most important factors. I review these goals/intentions every week, all year!

(This is the biggest difference between creating goals rather than just a New Year’s Resolution that is generally forgotten in the first month.)

That way they stay front of mind, and I know very clearly what I’m working on from week to week, when I am planning and scheduling out my weeks and days.

If you would love to ensure that 2024 is your most powerful year yet and that you are totally back on track with your health, your energy, your excitement and passion for life and following through on your goals with accountability, structure, aligned action and the mindset tools and strategies to powerfully overcome limiting beliefs and create greater health and wellbeing, my clients have found that having 1:1 support, guidance and mentoring is life changing!

I only have a few places left for 1: 1 support for women that are totally committed to being their best version of themselves and creating an amazing 2024!

Learning how to align yourself with your goals and getting powerful tools and strategies that will support you and uplift you for the rest of your life is a true gift to yourself, your family and the world.

If you know there’s more to life than you are currently living and if you are 100 % committed to create positive change in your life, you can apply today by emailing me at admin@sallyholden.com.au

Super excited to support you in reaching your goals and creating your best year yet!

Love and Blessings,

Sal x

Contact Information:

Website: www.abundantheartcoaching.com

Email: admin@sallyholden.com.au

Phone: 0428 316 546

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalHolden

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sal_holden/

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sally-holden-coaching

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SallyHolden11

Book Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com.au/Joyful-Life-Align-Embrace-Freedom-ebook/dp/B0CG8XRZCN

Sally Holden

Sal Holden is a best-selling author, kinesiologist and holistic life coach who empowers women to radically improve their well-being and energy on all levels and gives them the skills and strategies to create their most Joyful Life.

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