Over Christmas I have been doing some reading and reflecting on the year that was and the unexpected gifts that it bought me. Last year shook my faith and belief in myself. Let me give you an analogy to explain.
I’ve always been fascinated by how people’s life experiences and beliefs colour the stories they tell about the events in their lives. The same scenario can happen to two different people, who will respond/ react in different ways based on their life experiences and their beliefs. Two people are running late for work and get stuck at a red light. What stories will these two people tell their family and friends about their morning? One person pounds the steering wheel in rage and curses fate and their bad luck. The other person is initially upset but takes a breath and knows that things have a way of always working themselves. So she is able to sit there patiently until the light changes. The one pounding the steering wheel is reacting to the circumstances. The one who is sitting there patiently is responding to being the master of her own emotions and how she tells the story of her life.
I was both of these people last year. I pounded the wheel of fate and had a temper tantrum because life did not happen on my timeline. Yet, whilst I am still waiting at the traffic lights on a couple of matters in my life, I am starting to see the unexpected gift that time has brought me. Whilst I am impatient to start a new project, I now realise that the timing was not ‘right’ last year. I had to learn to have faith that everything is working out and at the moment, it’s time to sit back and go with the flow. Now the animals always teach me about timing and believing in my abilities. I temporarily (ok for a couple of months – that’s still temporary) forgot their teachings. Particularly when you are dealing with a young and/nervous animal, you need to be chilled and relaxed. Yet it is not always easy to practice what I preach. It’s up to me. Do I really want to see myself as a victim, or do I want to respond and take charge of my life – even the uncomfortable parts?
If you would like some help in taking charge of your own life, in 2024, then I had a couple of events coming up. I have a Vision Board Workshop on the 13th of January. It’s $44 at Beachmere, or online. This is a vision board workshop with a difference as we are focusing on envisaging life with animals – they may be animals currently in your life, that you would like to have, or maybe you would like to have animals show up in your daily life in various ways. There is power when we come together as a group to combine our creative efforts and envisaging. To book and pay, go to my website.
The other event that will be held around the end of February will be a 6 week class on transformation in 2024.
I hope to see you either online or in person. Wishing you a prosperous and abundant 2024.
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