What is Being?

About eleven years ago I meditated in New Zealand for three months full-time….it was an amazing experience but I realised I couldn’t continue to stay there. It was very peaceful but I was avoiding living and creating my life in the world.

Back then I thought ‘being’ was all about stillness.

These days I know being is many, many more experiences than just stillness.

Being for me, is about choosing in each moment, so at times it might include stillness or being space so that there are very few or no thoughts running through my head. Being can also be experiencing joy or it might be being really present with intensity and awareness of what’s happening in my life, the community, on the planet or mother earth.

Many people think if they were living their lives truly being, they would sit around passively with nothing to do. I actually have noticed the more I am being, (being me), it has created more space and creativity to express myself in a multitude of ways.

If you can be more of who you truly are then you are living your life free from the old programs, the conditioning the subconscious patterns, or what you have been entrained to be from an early age.

We have the choice in each moment to be who we really are and change the way we are vibrating on the planet.

So who are you really?………….that’s the adventure of finding out for yourself……that’s the journey…..that’s the fascinating discovery of seeing more of you revealed in more moments with less limitations and things holding you back from an expansive and beautiful life.

You might like to ask, who or what am I being now? And, just be kind to you whatever shows up and know you can always choose again at any time….


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
Holistic Bliss is also available to be downloaded as a free App (downloaded in 52 countries) and you can receive notifications about new articles and cover personalities on your phone.


  • Hi Vanessa, Thank you for your story. Meditating full time for 3 months fascinates me…what an experience for you!! For me ‘Being’ is all about my connection, firstly to myself and then broader. It did take me a little to ‘grasp’ that being isn’t just about sitting and doing nothing…I love that you have clearly pointed this out. Appreciate the continued inspired reading from Holistic Bliss. Cheers for now, Kylie


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