What is My Body Telling Me?

I’ve had some really interesting things happening with my body over the last few weeks and I’d like to share a little bit with you to show how clever our bodies are in giving us information.

When the body has some kind of pain or intensity it is trying to tell us something, usually we haven’t heard or received the message earlier and so now the body ramps it up so we can’t ignore it anymore….our bodies have an intelligence all of their own.

I have regular energy work run on my body and continue to cultivate a relationship with it that so that I can have more ease in life.

I ask my body all sorts of questions these days, and ask what it would like. In any moment it might be it would like to receive food, water, herbs, a vitamin or mineral, intimacy, a modality or two, see a doctor or go for a walk.

Sometimes the earth can also be giving us messages through our body and we can contribute to the earth just by being aware and sending energy to it. Last night was a good example, I was having some twinges in my body in the afternoon that was starting to get more frequent and intense. Then our land received storms, with thunder and some flash flooding in the early evening and this went on for about an hour, after that period of intense weather, all the twinges left my body and I felt total peace. I had forgotten to ask my body, is this intensity in my body related to the earth, as sometimes just asking the question and having the awareness can shift some intensity or in many cases in my life these days, have the body intensity go away all together.

I ask who does this belong to? Is it mine or something else? If it lightens up or goes away it’s not mine. If I am picking it up from someone or somewhere else, I can return it with consciousnesses attached otherwise I can run around in circles trying to process something that isn’t mine.

There are a number of people who I have worked with who are great to facilitate things going on with the body (in alphabetical order) who have a unique perspective :
Access Consciousness: www.accessconsciousness.com
Jean Sheehan: www.Absoluteempowerment.com
Jules O’Neill: www.bodyconsciousness.com.au
And Kahuna mist for body work too: www.kahunamist.com

I also recommend the following integrative centres:

Circle Wellness Clinic at Pergian Springs: www.circlewellness.com.au

Health concepts in Elimbah www.health-concepts.com.au

Ibuki Health at Noosa Heads www.ibukihealth.com

Integrated Wellness Clinic in Mooloolaba www.intergratedwellnessclinic.com.au,

Noosa Holistic Health noosaholistichealth.com

Pathways Wellness Centre in Maroochydore www.pathwayswellnesscentre.com

Sunshine Health in Gympie: 07 54 83 7688

Wellsure at Caloundra www.wellsure.com.au


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
Holistic Bliss is also available to be downloaded as a free App (downloaded in 52 countries) and you can receive notifications about new articles and cover personalities on your phone.


  • Love this post Vanessa and love to hear you are in tune with your body and asking all the right questions. So many are so stressed and busy they have forgotten this vital part of wellness. Listening to our bodies can completely change the way we respond to those messages and allow us to respond before they become more permanent messages – some of the most important advice I can give to everyone on this planet is to trust their bodies to heal anything and everything as long as we listen. The message may be so freeing so out of the box and so huge a change we may ignore it but it is there for a reason so trust that everything will work out as it is supposed to 🙂

    • Thanks Annie what a lovely surprise to receive your message! All the work you are doing in the world is a gift and life changing.

  • Good morning Vanessa,
    Thank you for the magazine and your comments.
    Maybe you body is also reacting to other imposed radiations from our ‘technologies’
    It is of some concern that there appears to be little comment from your many healing subscribers and contributors about the possible impacts of emf on us all.
    The sad stories of electrohypersensitive people and their daily attempts to cope should be of vital interest to everyone.
    The Maleny hinterlands are being threatened by the NBN microwave towers which are already appearing to our North as a measles rash.
    Is it possible to give some space to this matter in your New Year issues please
    Hugs and best wishes for the New Year – the year of the ‘demonstration towerless NBN for Maleny hinterlands’

    • Thanks Jim! We have covered quite a few articles in the magazine from Donna Fisher who talks about EMF’s and dirty electricity. We also have the amazing Gerard Bini in the magazine who has the Geo Clense products and we have found are fantastic. We will be covering more on this topic so stay tuned! Happy festive season to you 🙂


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